Article ID: CBB001200689

Monastic Reform and the Geography of Christendom: Experience, Observation and Influence (2012)


Monastic reform is generally understood as a textually driven process governed by a renewed interest in early monastic ideals and practices in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, and focusing on the discourses of reformers about the Egyptian `desert fathers' as the originators of monasticism. Historians have suggested that tropes about the desert, solitude, etc., drawn from early texts found their way into mainstream accounts of monastic change in the period c. 1080--1150. This paper challenges this model by proposing that considerations of `reform' must take into account parallel movements in Greek Orthodox monasticism and interactions of practice between the two monastic environments. Three case-studies of non-textually derived parallel practices are discussed, and the importance of the Holy Land as a source of inspiration for such practices is advanced in place of Egypt.

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Authors & Contributors
Gautier Dalché, Patrick
Lev, Efraim
Amar, Zohar
Charmantier, Isabelle
Cohen, H. Floris
Gange, David
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
Imago Mundi: A Review of Early Cartography
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Journal of Medical Biography
Medieval Encounters
Cambridge University Press
Edizioni Cadmo
Academic Press
Yad-Izhak Ben-Zvi
Science and religion
Roman Catholicism
Maps; atlases
Guillaume de Conches
Hildegard Von Bingen, Saint
Masterman, Ernest William Gurney
Tasso, Torquato
Time Periods
12th century
11th century
13th century
19th century
10th century
Great Britain
Rome (Italy)
Mediterranean region

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