Gauss, Karl Friedrich (Author)
Reich, Karin (Author)
Roussanova, Elena (Author)
Lehfeldt, Werner (Author)
This volume examines the special relationship between Russia and Gauss. It documents and describes the important role that Gauss played for science in Russia from the start of career onwards, as well as the great significance of Russia in Gauss' scientific work. The authors profile 17 scientists who worked in Russia and which whom Gauss corresponded and also often collaborated directly. The examination of the Gauss Library in Göttingen should be of particular interest, since it contains the Rossica and works sent to Gauss from Russia. The volume focuses on the period from 1799 until Gauss' death in 1855.
...MoreReview Schmuck, Thomas (2014) Review of "Carl Friedrich Gauss und Russland: sein Briefwechsel mit in Russland wirkenden Wissenschaftlern". Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (pp. 89-91).
Review Grattan-Guinness, I. (2012) Review of "Carl Friedrich Gauss und Russland: sein Briefwechsel mit in Russland wirkenden Wissenschaftlern". British Journal for the History of Science (pp. 467-468).
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