Del Centina, Andrea (Author)
Fiocca, Alessandra (Author)
This paper publishes the correspondence between S. Germain and C.F. Gauss. The mathematical notes enclosed in her letters are published for the first time. These notes, in which she submitted some of her results, proofs and conjectures to Gauss for his evaluation, were inspired by her study of the Disquisitiones Arithmeticae. The interpretation of these mathematical notes not only shows how deeply she went into Gauss's treatise and mastered it long before any other mathematician, but also, more importantly, shows that she obtained interesting results in the theory of power residues that have never previously been attributed to her.
Centina, Andrea del;
Letters of Sophie Germain Preserved in Florence
Del Centina, Andrea;
Unpublished Manuscripts of Sophie Germain and a Revaluation of Her Work on Fermat's Last Theorem
Laubenbacher, Reinhard;
Pengelley, David;
“Voici ce que j'ai trouvé”: Sophie Germain's Grand Plan to Prove Fermat's Last Theorem
Zimmermann, Bernhard;
Friedrich Paschen und die mecklenburgische Landesvermessung 1853 bis 1873
Folkerts, Menso;
Carl Friedrich Gauß als Wissenschaftler und als Mensch im Spiegel seiner Korrespondenz
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Die Beziehungen zwischen Kopenhagen und Göttingen auf dem Gebiete des Erdmagnetismus: Ergebnisse einer Analyse der Briefe, die Hans Christian Oersted mit Carl Friedrich Gauß und Wilhelm Weber wechselte
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Im Umfeld der “Theoria motus”: Gauss' Briefwechsel mit Perthes, Laplace, Delambre und Legendre
Mittler, Elmar;
Glitsch, Silke;
“Wie der Blitz einschlägt, hat sich das Räthsel gelöst”: Carl Friedrich Gauß in Göttingen
Dunnington, G. Waldo;
Gray, Jeremy;
Dohse, Fritz-Egbert;
Gauss: Titan of Science
Alberto Cogliati;
Sulla ricezione del "Theorema Egregium," 1828-1868
Nicol Imperi;
Enrico Rogora;
Lettere di Paolo Medolaghi a Friedrich Engel sulla teoria dei gruppi continui
Roussanova, Elena;
Leonhard Euler and Carl Friedrich Gauss: A Precious Discovery in the Archive of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg
Elisabetta Ulivi;
Nuovi documenti ed ipotesi su Paolo di Ser Piero dell'Abaco
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Abacisti attivi a Firenze al tempo di Dante
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The Twelfth Chapter of Fibonacci's "Liber Abaci" in its 1202 Version
Nadia Ambrosetti;
Una traduzione dell'algebra di al-Khwarizmi nella Firenze del XIV secolo
Gert Schubring;
Letters to Weierstraß by Italian Mathematicians
Li, Di;
Transmission of the mathematical theories of German mathematicians in China during the first half of the 20th century
Bullynck, Maarten;
Decimal Periods and Their Tables: A German Research Topic (1765--1801)
Bullynck, Maarten;
Modular Arithmetic before C. F. Gauss: Systematizations and Discussions on Remainder Problems in 18th-Century Germany
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