Book ID: CBB001180230

Dynamos and virgins revisited: Women and technological change in history (1979)


Trescott, Martha Moore (Editor)

Scarecrow Press

Publication Date: 1979
Physical Details: iv + 280 pp.; ill.
Language: English

Description Contents: Overview : From Virginia Dare to Virginia Slims: Women and technology in American life / Ruth Schwartz Cowan -- Part I. Women as active participants in technological change -- Women operatives in industry -- The programmed brocade loom and the “decline of the drawgirl” / Daryl M. Hafter -- Ladies and looms: The social impact of machine power in the American carpet industry / Susan Levine -- Technological change and women's work: Mechanization in the Berkshire paper industry, 1820-1855 / Judith A. McGaw -- Women inventors, engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs -- Women inventors at the centennial / Deborah J. Warner -- Women scientists in America before 1920 / Margaret W. Rossiter -- Julia B. Hall and Aluminum / Martha Moore Trescott -- Part II. effects of technological change on women in the domestic spheres -- Women as housewives and homemakers -- Technology and women's work: The lives of working class women in Pittsburgh, 1870-1900 / Susan J. Kleinberg -- The “Industrial Revolution” in the home: Household technology and social change in the 20th century / Ruth Schwartz Cowan -- Females as children and as bearers and rearers of children -- Female physiology, technology and women's liberation / Vern L. Bullough -- Toys, technology and sex roles in America, 1920-1940 / Carroll W. Pursell, Jr. (from WorldCat) See:

Includes Chapters

Chapter Pursell, Carroll W. (1979) Toys, technology, and sex roles in America, 1920--1940. In: Dynamos and virgins revisited: Women and technological change in history (p. 252). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Mohun, Arwen P.
Berger, Michael L.
Canel, Annie
Downey, Greg
Downey, Gregory John
Gardey, Delphine
Technology and Culture
Folk Music Journal
Gender and History
Railroad History
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Cambridge University Press
Archives contemporaines
Harwood Academic
JAI Press
Women and Work
Women and technology
Technology and gender
Labor and laborers
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
21st century
20th century, late
17th century
18th century
United States
Great Britain
London (England)
Pratt & Whitney Company

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