Book ID: CBB001180104

Hello, Central?: Gender, technology, and culture in the formation of telephone systems (1991)


Martin, Michèle (Author)

McGill-Queen's University Press

Publication Date: 1991
Physical Details: 209 pp.; ill.
Language: English

Description Traces how the first telephone operators co-opted the new technology from the small circle of businessmen it was designed for, by demonstrating its potential market for domestic and personal communication, thus convincing the phone company to change its strategy. Focusing on the Canadian system 1878-1920, Martin shows how women shaped the cultural impact of the telephone. (abstract from WorldCat)

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Authors & Contributors
Mohun, Arwen P.
Canel, Annie
Downey, Greg
Downey, Gregory John
Gardey, Delphine
Oldenziel, Ruth
Technology and Culture
Environmental History
European Legacy
Feminist Studies
Gender and History
Railroad History
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Archives contemporaines
Harwood Academic
Scarecrow Press
School of Policy Studies, Queen's University: McGill-Queen's University Press
Women and technology
Women and Work
Technology and gender
Labor and laborers
Laundry Industry
Technology and society
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
20th century, early
21st century
20th century, late
17th century
United States
Great Britain
Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Pratt & Whitney Company

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