König, Jason (Editor)
Whitmarsh, Tim (Editor)
Description Contents:
Review Hodkinson, Owen (2009) Review of "Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire". Classical Review (p. 157).
Chapter Habinek, Thomas (2007) Probing the Entrails of the Universe: Astrology as Bodily Knowledge in Manilius' Astronomica. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 229).
Chapter Flemming, Rebecca (2007) Galen's Imperial Order of Knowledge. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 241).
Chapter Wilkins, John (2007) Galen and Athenaeus in the Hellenistic Library. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 69).
Chapter Riggsby, Andrew M. (2007) Guides to the Wor(l)d. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 88).
Chapter Rimell, Victoria (2007) Petronius' Lessons in Learning---the Hard Way. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 108).
Chapter Warren, James (2007) Diogenes Laërtius, Biographer of Philosophy. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 133).
Chapter Henderson, John (2007) The Creation of Isidore's Etymologies or Origins. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 150).
Chapter König, Alice (2007) Knowledge and Power in Frontinus' On Aqueducts. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 177).
Chapter Cuomo, Serafina (2007) Measures for an Emperor: Volusius Maecianus' Monetary Pamphlet for Marcus Aurelius. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 206).
Chapter König, Jason; Whitmarsh, Tim (2007) Ordering Knowledge. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 3).
Chapter König, Jason (2007) Fragmentation and Coherence in Plutarch's Synoptic Questions. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 43).
Corti, Lorenzo;
Scale pirroniane: “[Greek transliteration begin]onden mallon[Greek transliteration end]” in Sesto Empirico
Flemming, Rebecca;
Galen's Imperial Order of Knowledge
Furley, David J.;
From Aristotle to Augustine
Majumdar, Deepa;
Plotinus on the Appearance of Time and the World of Sense: A Pantomime
Carrier, Richard C.;
Attitudes Toward the Natural Philosopher in the Early Roman Empire (100 B.C. to 313 A.D.)
Welton, William A.;
Plato's Forms: Varieties of Interpretation
Gili, Luca;
Categorical μὴ κατὰ χρόνον at Propositions in Alexander of Aphrodisias' Modal Syllogistic
Pavel Gregoric;
Quantities and Contraries: Aristotle's "Categories" 6, 5b11-6a18
Simplicius of Cicilia, ;
On Aristotle's “Categories 7-8”
Simplicius of Cicilia, ;
On Aristotle's “Categories 1-4”
Palù, Chiara;
Le definizioni dei relativi nelle Categorie di Aristotele: Una risposta a David Sedley
Bruun, Otto;
Corti, Lorenzo;
Les catégories et leur histoire
Acton, Peter Hampden;
Poiesis: Manufacturing in Classical Athens
Haye, Thomas;
Die Astronomie des Hyginus als Objekt hochmittelalterlicher Lehrdichtung
Artés Hernández, José Antonio;
Mαγoς en el Nuevo Testamento
Bautista Ruiz, Hilario;
Codex Vaticanus 952: Descripción del contenido astrológico, edición y traducción de sus fragmentos inéditos
Calvo Martínez, José Luis;
El tratamiento del material hímnico en los papiros mágicos: El himno [Greek transliteration begin]denro moi[Greek transliteration end]
Kropp, Amina;
Altes Blei neu ausgegraben. Textkritische Bemerkungen zu den lateinischen “Defixiones” aus Hadrumentum
Calvo Martínez, José Luis;
El Himno χαιρε δρακωυ, a Helios, del papiro parisino. Edición crítica con Introducción y Comentario
Montanari, Roberta Caldini;
A che punto é la notte? Le stelle dell'Orsa Maggiore come orologio notturno nella poesia latina a partire da Ennio (con una premessa su Eur., IA 6--8)
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