Book ID: CBB001036017

Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (2007)


König, Jason (Editor)
Whitmarsh, Tim (Editor)

Cambridge University

Publication Date: 2007
Physical Details: xiii + 304 pp.; bibl.; index
Language: English

Description Contents:

Reviewed By

Review Hodkinson, Owen (2009) Review of "Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire". Classical Review (p. 157). unapi

Includes Chapters

Chapter Habinek, Thomas (2007) Probing the Entrails of the Universe: Astrology as Bodily Knowledge in Manilius' Astronomica. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 229). unapi

Chapter Flemming, Rebecca (2007) Galen's Imperial Order of Knowledge. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 241). unapi

Chapter Wilkins, John (2007) Galen and Athenaeus in the Hellenistic Library. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 69). unapi

Chapter Riggsby, Andrew M. (2007) Guides to the Wor(l)d. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 88). unapi

Chapter Rimell, Victoria (2007) Petronius' Lessons in Learning---the Hard Way. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 108). unapi

Chapter Warren, James (2007) Diogenes Laërtius, Biographer of Philosophy. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 133). unapi

Chapter Henderson, John (2007) The Creation of Isidore's Etymologies or Origins. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 150). unapi

Chapter König, Alice (2007) Knowledge and Power in Frontinus' On Aqueducts. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 177). unapi

Chapter Cuomo, Serafina (2007) Measures for an Emperor: Volusius Maecianus' Monetary Pamphlet for Marcus Aurelius. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 206). unapi

Chapter König, Jason; Whitmarsh, Tim (2007) Ordering Knowledge. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 3). unapi

Chapter König, Jason (2007) Fragmentation and Coherence in Plutarch's Synoptic Questions. In: Ordering Knowledge in the Roman Empire (p. 43). unapi

Citation URI

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Authors & Contributors
Calvo Martínez, José Luis
Corti, Lorenzo
Simplicius of Cilicia
Artés Hernández, José Antonio
Bautista Ruiz, Hilario
Bruun, Otto
MHNH (Revista Internacional de Investigación sobre Magia y Astrología Antiguas)
Apeiron: Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science
Dianoia: Annali di storia della filosofia
Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Columbia University
Cornell University Press
Lexington Books
Oxford University Press
Primary literature (historical sources)
Categories (philosophy)
Linguistic or semantic analysis
Natural philosophy
Simplicius of Cilicia
Alexander of Aphrodisias
al-Fārābī, Abū Naṣr Muḥammd ibn Muḥammad
Augustine, Saint
Time Periods
Rome (Italy)
Biblioteca apostolica vaticana

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