Article ID: CBB001034746

Talking (for, with) Dogs: Science Fiction Breaks a Species Barrier (2010)


Gordon, Joan (Author)

Science-Fiction Studies
Volume: 37
Pages: 456--465

Publication Date: 2010
Edition Details: Part of a special section: “Animals Studies and SF”
Language: English

Included in

Article Vint, Sherryl (2010) Animal Studies in the Era of Biopower. Science-Fiction Studies (p. 444). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Aldiss, Brian
Barnes, Myra Edwards
Caillois, Roger
Isaacs, Leonard N.
Lambourne, Robert
Landon, Brooks
Science-Fiction Studies
Essays in Arts and Sciences
Radical Science Journal
Adam Hilger
Borgo Press
Science fiction
Science and literature
Animals in literature
Science and art
Limborch, Philippus van
Stadlin, Josephine
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, late

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