Kelly, Catherine (Author)
This article investigates how French and British army medical officers in Egypt at the turn of the 19th century were affected by campaign experiences. Their encounters with ophthalmia, plague, and other diseases influenced the practice of medicine in later campaigns and fostered the development of the idea amongst military practitioners that military diseases required specialised knowledge. Practitioners' campaign writings are used to demonstrate how British army doctors approached the investigation of the new diseases they encountered. In particular, the article focuses on how Dr. James McGrigor used the military system to control, direct, and disseminate the development of medical knowledge.
...MoreArticle Hudson, Geoffrey (2010) Guest Editor's Note. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine (p. 263).
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Instruments of Knowledge and Power in a Colonial Context: Scientific Instruments during the French Occupation of Egypt, 1798–1801
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Giovanni Silvano;
La macchina del soccorso nella Francia rivoluzionaria. Verso la laicizzazione della cura
Filiberto Agostini;
Università E Grande Guerra In Europa. Medicina Scienze E Diritto
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