Emery, Kent, Jr. (Editor)
Friedman, Russell L. (Editor)
Speer, Andreas (Editor)
Mauriege, Maxime (Editor)
Brown, Stephen F. (Editor)
Description Contributors: Alain de Libera, Andre Goddu, Andreas Speer, Anne A. Davenport, Anthony J. Celano, B. Carlos Bazan, Carlos Steel, Eileen C. Sweeney, Matthew L. Lamb, Jan A. Aertsen, Jean-Luc Solere, Jeremy D. Wilkins, John F. Wippel, John P. Doyle, John T. Slotemaker, Juan Carlos Flores, Emery, Kent, Jr., Klaus Rodler, Lauge O. Nielsen, Matthew Levering, Michael Gorman, Oliva Blanchette, Olivier Boulnois, Paul J. LaChance, R. James Long, Risto Saarinen, Russell L. Friedman, Simo Knuuttila, Steven P. Marrone, Theo Kobusch, Thomas Dewender, Thomas M. Osborne, Timothy B. Noone, William J. Courtenay, and Wouter Goris.
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