Kafker, Frank A. (Editor)
Loveland, Jeff (Editor)
Description Includes:
Review Yeo, Richard (2011) Review of "The Early Britannica (1768--1803): The Growth of an Outstanding Encyclopedia". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (p. 146).
Review Sebastiani, Silvia (2011) Review of "The Early Britannica (1768--1803): The Growth of an Outstanding Encyclopedia". English Historical Review (p. 955).
Chapter Kafker, Frank A.; Loveland, Jeff (2009) Introduction. In: The Early Britannica (1768--1803): The Growth of an Outstanding Encyclopedia (p. 1).
Chapter Kafker, Frank A.; Loveland, Jeff (2009) William Smellie's Edition (1768--1771): A Modest Start. In: The Early Britannica (1768--1803): The Growth of an Outstanding Encyclopedia (p. 11).
Chapter Doig, Kathleen Hardesty; Kafker, Frank A.; Morris, William E.; Brown, Marion A.; Loveland, Jeff (2009) Colin Macfarquhar, George Gleig and Possibly James Tytler's Edition (1788--1797): The Attainment of Recognition and Eminence. In: The Early Britannica (1768--1803): The Growth of an Outstanding Encyclopedia (p. 157).
Chapter Kafker, Frank A. (2009) Epilogue: The Tortoise and the Hare: The Longevity of the Encyclopedia Britannica and the Encyclopédie Compared. In: The Early Britannica (1768--1803): The Growth of an Outstanding Encyclopedia (p. 299).
Chapter Doig, Kathleen Hardesty; Kafker, Frank A.; Loveland, Jeff; Trinkle, Dennis A. (2009) James Tytler's Edition (1777--1784): A Vast Expansion and Improvement. In: The Early Britannica (1768--1803): The Growth of an Outstanding Encyclopedia (p. 69).
Chapter Doig, Kathleen Hardesty; Kafker, Frank A.; Loveland, Jeff (2009) George Gleig's Supplement to the Third Edition (1801--1803): Learned and Combative. In: The Early Britannica (1768--1803): The Growth of an Outstanding Encyclopedia (p. 253).
Loveland, Jeff;
French Thought in William Smellie's Natural History: A Scottish Reception of Buffon and Condillac
Robert Woods;
Chris Galley;
Mrs. Stone & Dr. Smellie: Eighteenth-Century Midwives and Their Patients
Lieske, Pam;
Eighteenth-Century British Midwifery
Nichols, Marcia D.;
The Man-Midwife's Tale: Re-Reading Male-Authored Midwifery Guides in Britain and America, 1750--1820
Williams, William D.;
Old chemistries: James Tytler's A system of chemistry
Loveland, Jeff;
An Alternative Encyclopedia? Dennis de Coetlogon's Universal History of Arts and Sciences (1745)
Yeo, Richard R.;
Encyclopaedic Visions: Scientific Dictionaries and Enlightenment Culture
Luke Anthony McMullan;
The Rise of Philology in Britain: Explaining the Progress of Knowledge, 1750–1859
Kafker, Frank A.;
Notable encyclopedias of the late 18th century: Eleven successors of the Encyclopédie
Loveland, Jeff;
Georges-Louis LeClerc de Buffon's Histoire naturelle in English, 1775--1815
Withers, Charles W.J.;
Natural knowledge as cultural property: Disputes over the “ownership” of natural history in late 18th-century Edinburgh
Withers, Charles W.J.;
The struggle for academic patronage: The Edinburgh chairs of natural history and agriculture in the 1770s and 1780s
Smellie, William;
Philosophy of Natural History
Brown, Stephen W.;
William Smellie and Natural History: Dissent and Dissemination
Henderson, Andrea;
Doll-machines and butcher-shop meat: Models of childbirth in the early stages of industrial capitalism
Woods, Robert;
Dr. Smellie's Prescriptions for Pregnant Women
Cara Murray;
Cultivating Chaos: Entropy, Information, and the Making of the Dictionary of National Biography
Kistner, Kelly;
“A Word Factory Was Wanted”: Organizational Objectivity in the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary
Pyle, Andrew;
The dictionary of seventeenth-century British philosophers
Mander, W. J.;
Sell, Alan P. F.;
Budge, Gavin;
The Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Philosophers
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