This paper examines the contents and institutional context of August Weismann's long essay on Amphimixis (1891). Therein he presented detailed discussions of his on-going studies of reduction division and parthenogenesis, but more to the point, he included an elaborate examination of Émile Maupas's two major publications in protozoology. To understand the relevance of this part to the other two, the author briefly reviews highpoints in earlier nineteenth century protozoology and concludes that only in the mid-1870s and 1880s did protozoa add an important dimension to heredity theory. Otto Bütschli and then Maupas provided Weismann with a deeper understanding of how conjugation and fertilization were related but not identical processes. This allowed him to integrate the two into a fuller understanding of evolution by natural selection.
Dröscher, Ariane;
Of Germ-Plasm and Zymoplasm: August Weismann, Carlo Emery and the Debate about the Transmission of Acquired Characteristics
Kampourakis, Kostas;
Mendel and the Path to Genetics: Portraying Science as a Social Process
Yamashita, Grant Joo;
On the Germ-Soma Distinction in Evolutionary Biology: A Historical and Conceptual Approach
Weismann, August;
The Germ-Plasm: A Theory of Heredity
Pereira Martins, Lilian A.-C.;
Alguns aspectos da teoria de evolução de August Weismann
Novak, Jakub;
Alfred Russel Wallace's and August Weismann's Evolution: A Story Written on Butterfly Wings
Stamhuis, Ida H.;
The Reactions on Hugo de Vries's Intracellular Pangenesis; the Discussion with August Weismann
Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg;
Heredity and Its Entities around 1900
Wilkins, Adam;
Why Did the Modern Synthesis Give Short Shrift to “Soft Inheritance”?
Bowler, Peter J.;
Francis Galton's Saltationism and the Ambiguities of Selection
Hall, Brian K.;
“Evolutionist and Missionary,” the Reverend John Thomas Gulick (1832--1923). Part I: Cumulative Segregation---Geographical Isolation
Tudge, Colin;
Impact of the Gene: From Mendel's Peas to Designer Babies
Brzezinski Prestes, Maria Elice;
Martins, Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira;
Stefano, Waldir;
Filosofia e História da Biologia 1
Deichmann, Ute;
Gemmules and Elements: On Darwin's and Mendel's Concepts and Methods in Heredity
Hall, Brian K.;
“Evolutionist and Missionary,” the Reverend John Thomas Gulick (1832--1923). Part II. Coincident or Ontogenetic Selection---The Baldwin Effect
Rensenbrink, Greta;
Parthenogenesis and Lesbian Separatism: Regenerating Women's Community through Virgin Birth in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s
Sober, Elliott;
Sex Ratio Theory, Ancient and Modern: An Eighteenth-Century Debate about Intelligent Design and the Development of Models in Evolutionary Biology
Weissman, Charlotte;
Germinal Selection: A Weismannian Solution to Lamarckian Problematics
Polizello, Andreza;
Pereira Martins, Lilian Al-Chueyr;
Modelos microscópicos de herança no século XIX
David Ceccarelli;
Between Social and Biological Heredity: Cope and Baldwin on Evolution, Inheritance, and Mind
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