Tomory, Leslie (Author)
The interaction between science and technology in the Industrial Revolution has been debated by various authors over the years. Most recently, Ursula Klein has described eighteenth-century chemistry as an interconnected system of science and technology because of the inherently productive nature of chemical experimentation. The technology used in the nineteenth gaslight industry follows the pattern that Klein describes: gaslight technology was derived from the academic studies of eighteenth-century pneumatic chemists. The foundation of the technology in science included first, a knowledge about inflammable gases and their properties, and second, various instruments and processes developed for the study of gases. Although inflammable exhalations had been known long before the eighteenth-century, it was only with the work of Priestley, Volta, Berthollet, and other chemists that their properties and characteristics, including the multiplicity of species of inflammable gases, became known. The instruments and processes of pneumatic chemistry that were incorporated into gaslight apparatus were the retort, the pneumatic trough, lime purification of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide, and finally the gasometer. The first important instance of lighting with inflammable gases, that of J. P. Minckelers in 1785, demonstrates that pneumatic chemistry formed part of an interconnected network of science and technology, as does the work of other early gaslight pioneers such as Philippe Lebon, Zachaumlus Winzler, and William Murdoch. Lebon came to gaslight through the investigation of distillation processes, and later thought of using the inflammable gas produced in this way. Zachaumlus Winzler, an Austrian chemist, recreated Lebon's thermolamp from the instruments in his laboratory after hearing descriptions of it. In the case of William Murdoch, he incorporated the pneumatic apparatus that James Watt had built for Thomas Beddoes.
Tomory, Leslie;
Progressive Enlightenment: The Origins of the Gaslight Industry 1780--1820
Tomory, Leslie;
Gaslight, distillation, and the Industrial Revolution
Ford, Peter;
Rolls, Roger;
Airs and Waters: The Hot Springs and Bath Chemistry
Stewart, Larry;
His Majesty's Subjects: From Laboratory to Human Experiment in Pneumatic Chemistry
Tomory, Leslie;
William Brownrigg's Papers on Fire-Damps
Tomory, Leslie;
Gaslight, Distillation, and the Industrial Revolution
Dudley, Leonard;
Mothers of Innovation: How Expanding Social Networks Gave Birth to the Industrial Revolution
Cohen, H. Floris;
The Rise of Modern Science as a Fundamental Pre-Condition for the Industrial Revolution
Allen, Douglas W.;
The Institutional Revolution: Measurement and the Economic Emergence of the Modern World
Fisher, David;
Much Ado about (Practically) Nothing: A History of the Noble Gases
Chalmers, Alan F.;
Boyle and the Origins of Modern Chemistry: Newman Tried in the Fire
Stewart, Larry;
Assistants to Enlightenment: William Lewis, Alexander Chisholm and Invisible Technicians in the Industrial Revolution
Tomory, Leslie;
Science and the Arts in William Henry's Research into Inflammable Air during the Early Nineteenth Century
Ribbat, Christoph;
Flickering Light: A History of Neon
Dierig, Sven;
Nach Art einer Fabrik - Der “eiserne Arbeiter” und die Mechanisierung des Labors
Klein, Ursula;
Chemical Technoscience in Eighteenth-Century Europe
Ferdinando Abbri;
La struttura della materia
Klein, Ursula;
Spary, E. C.;
Materials and Expertise in Early Modern Europe: Between Market and Laboratory
Gavroglu, Kostas;
History of Artificial Cold: Scientific, Technological and Cultural Issues
Vega, Jesusa;
Ciencia, Arte e Ilusión en la España Ilustrada
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