Social robotics studies embodied technologies designed for social interaction. This paper examines the implied idea of embodiment using as data a sequence in which practitioners of social robotics are involved in designing a robot's movement. The moments of learning and work in the laboratory enact the social body as material, dynamic, and multiparty: the body-in-interaction. In describing subject---object reconfigurations, the paper explores how the well-known ideas of extending the body with instruments can be applied to a technology designed to function as our surrogate.
Ben Halliburton;
Kang, Minsoo;
The Android of Albertus Magnus: A Legend of Artificial Being
LaGrandeur, Kevin;
The Persistent Peril of the Artificial Slave
LaGrandeur, Kevin;
Androids and Intelligent Networks in Early Modern Literature and Culture: Artificial Slaves
Awa Hanane Diagne;
Emily Grenon;
Syeda Hasan;
Holly K. M. Johnstone;
Edward Jones-Imhotep;
Alexander Offord;
Neve Ostry Young;
Sarai Rudder;
The Black Androids: A Chrestomathy
Kline, Ronald;
Where Are the Cyborgs in Cybernetics?
Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette;
Nanobots and Nanotubes: Two Alternative Biomimetic Paradigms of Nanotechnology
Lenoir, Timothy;
Techno-Humanism: Requiem for the Cyborg
Cassell, Justine;
Body Language: Lessons from the Near-Human
Launius, Roger D.;
McCurdy, Howard E.;
Robots in Space: Technology, Evolution, and Interplanetary Travel
Keller, Evelyn Fox;
Booting Up Baby
Nicholas Carr;
The Glass Cage: Where Automation is Taking Us
Essay Review
Edward Jones-Imhotep;
Review Essay: The Ghost Factories: Histories of Automata and Artificial Life
Korey, Michael;
The Geometry of Power---The Power of Geometry: Mathematical Instruments and Princely Mechanical Devices from around 1600 in the Mathematisch-Physikalischer Salon
Achterhuis, Hans;
American Philosophy of Technology: The Empirical Turn
King, Elizabeth;
Perpetual Devotion: A Sixteenth-Century Machine That Prays
Voskuhl, Adelheid;
Producing Objects, Producing Texts: Accounts of Android Automata in Late Eighteenth-Century Europe
Sezgin, Ursula;
Pharaonische Wunderwerke bei Ibn Waṣīf aṣ-Ṣābi' und al-Mas`ūdī: Einige Reminiszenzen an Ägyptens vergangene grösse und an Meisterwerke der Alexandrinischen gelehrten in Arabischen Texten des 10. Jahrhunderts N. Chr., Teil IV
Nelly Oudshoorn;
Sustaining Cyborgs: Sensing and Tuning Agencies of Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators
Sims, Christopher;
The Dangers of Individualism and the Human Relationship to Technology in Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Kang, Minsoo;
From the Man-Machine to the Automaton-Man: The Enlightenment Origins of the Mechanistic Imagery of Humanity
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