Moureau, Sébastien (Author)
This article explains some essential features of the alchemical doctrine of the De anima in arte alchemiae, a treatise written in Spain during the twelfth century (in Arabic, but only the Latin translation remains), and wrongly attributed to Avicenna. It shows that pseudo-Avicenna uses alchemical principles and elixir theory directly inspired by Jabirian texts, and classification of materials influenced by al-Razi. The alchemy of pseudo-Avicenna is entirely based on operations on the four elements: the alchemist has to reduce hair, blood or eggs to their elements, and isolate one of their essential properties (warmth, coldness, moisture and dryness), so that he can change the proportion of essential properties of the body he wants to transmute into gold or silver. The preparation made from hair, blood or eggs (the isolated property) is what he calls the elixir.
Sébastien Moureau;
Min al-Kīmiyā’ ad Alchimiam. The Transmission of Alchemy from the Arab-Muslim world to the Latin West in the Middle Ages
Moureau, Sébastien;
Questions of Methodology about Pseudo-Avicenna's De anima in arte alchemiae: Identification of a Latin Translation and Method of Edition
Krisztina Szilágyi;
A Fragment of a Book of Physics from the David Kaufmann Genizah Collection (Budapest) and the Identity of Ibn Daud with Avendauth
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Lichens in al-Biruni’s Kitab al-Saydanah fi al-Tibb
Amos Bertolacci;
From Athens to Buhārā, to Cordoba, to Cologne: on the Transmission of Aristotle's Metaphysics in the Arab and Latin Worlds during the Middle Ages
Lejbowicz, Max;
Le premier témoin scolaire des Eléments Arabo-latins d'Euclide: Thierry de Chartres et l'Heptateuchon
Burnett, Charles;
Zhao, Ji-Wei;
Lampe, Kurt;
The Toledan Regule (Liber Alchorismi, part II): A Twelfth-Century Arithmetical Miscellany
Sesiano, Jacques;
Une compilation arabe du XIIe siècle sur quelques propriétés des nombres naturels
Joosse, N. Peter;
Pormann, Peter E.;
Decline and Decadence in Iraq and Syria after the Age of Avicenna? 'Abd al-Laṭïf al-Baghdädi (1162--1231) between Myth and History
Matteo Martelli;
Translating Ancient Alchemy: Fragments of Graeco-Egyptian Alchemy in Arabic Compendia
Lindberg, David C.;
Shank, Michael H.;
The Cambridge History of Science: Volume 2, Medieval Science
Sannino, Antonella;
I ritratti leggendari di Ermete Trismegisto
Ferrario, Gabriele;
An Arabic Dictionary of Technical Alchemical Terms: MS Sprenger 1908 of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (fols. 3r-6r)
Marion Daspens;
Les Questions de Khalid au moine Maryanus dans leurs versions arabe et latine. Éditions critiques et traductions
Alexandre M. Roberts;
Thinking about Chemistry in Byzantium and the Islamic World
Athanasios Rinotas;
The Sciant artifices in the Work of Albert the Great: Towards Two Kinds of Transmutation?
Newman, William R.;
Mercury and Sulphur among the High Medieval Alchemists: From Rāzī and Avicenna to Albertus Magnus and Pseudo-Roger Bacon
Lucentini, Paolo;
L'ermetismo magico nel secolo XIII
King, David A.;
An Astrolabe from 14th-Century Christian Spain with Inscriptions in Latin, Hebrew and Arabic: A Unique Testimonial to an Intercultural Encounter
José Martínez Gázquez;
The Attitude of the Medieval Latin Translators Towards the Arabic Sciences
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