Today electrotherapy has reappeared as a therapy of choice for the treatment of depression and other forms of mental illness. It had de facto vanished from allopathic medicine from the 1920s to the end of the century. The debates about electrotherapy mirror the question of whether mental illness was somatic and to be treated by somatic means or psychological to be treated with psychotherapy. Sigmund Freud's move from an advocate to an opponent of electrotherapy is exemplary for a shift in attitude and the decline of electrotherapy. With the re-somaticization of mental illness over the past decades has come the reappearance of somatic therapies such as electrotherapy.
Maike Rotzoll;
Klinische „Erfahrung“ als Evidenzkriterium? Psychiatrische Beiträge zu einer Nachkriegsdebatte um eine „Reform der Medizin“ und die Entwicklung der „verstehenden Anthropologie“ Jürg Zutts
Yorgos Dimitriadis;
History of the opposition between psychogenesis and organogenesis in classic psychiatry: Part 2
Max Gawlich;
Medizinisch handeln und wirken. Entwicklungen und Handhabungen der apparategestützten Elektrokrampftherapie 1939–1950 Medical Action and Effectiveness. Development and Performance of Electroconvulsive Therapy Devices, 1939-1950
Elisa Arnaudo;
A history of psychogenic pain and its relevance for chronic pain medical understanding
Hayward, Rhodri;
Enduring Emotions: James L. Halliday and the Invention of the Psychosocial
Eve-Riina Hyrkäs;
‘A transverse scar on the neck’ – Psychosomatic approach in the differential diagnosis and surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism in post-war Finland
Louise Hide;
Making Sense of Pain: Delusions, Syphilis, and Somatic Pain in London County Council Asylums, c. 1900
Steffen Dörre;
Epistemologische Neupositionierungen. Alexander Mitscherlich zwischen „naturwissenschaftlicher Methodik“, Psychoanalyse und Psychosomatischer Medizin
Molaro, Aurelio;
Tradizioni o ‘feconde’ contraddizioni? Aspetti della clinica psichiatrica nel carteggio Freud-Binswanger
Easton, Patricia;
The Cartesian Doctor, François Bayle (1622--1709), on Psychosomatic Explanation
Passione, Roberta;
Psichiatria e condizione umana: Il contributo di Silvano Arieti
Susanne Doetz;
The socialist patient collective, the printing press, and anti-psychiatry in Heidelberg in the 1970s
Vera Fusco;
Francesca Gollo;
Marco Salustri;
Il Museo Laboratorio della Mente come risorsa per la salute mentale
Mauricio Viotti Daker;
Personality and mental disorders: sensitive character, melancholic type, and addenda
Raffaella Campaner;
Quale “salute mentale”? Significati, usi, contesti
Michael Escamilla;
Bleuler, Jung, and the Creation of the Schizophrenias
Wheatley, Thelma;
“And Neither Have I Wings to Fly”: Labelled and Locked up in Canada's Oldest Institution
Isabelle Perreault;
André Cellard;
Patrice Corriveau;
Christian Quesnel;
Vous avez détruit la beauté du monde: Le suicide scénarisé au Québec depuis 1763
Cesare Bondioli;
Dalla salute mentale alla psichiatria: un arretramento?
Andrea Adams;
Psychopathologie und "Rasse": Verhandlungen über "rassische"Differenz in der Erforschung psychischer Leiden (1890-1933)
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