Wegener, Daan (Author)
Discussions on the relation between Mach and Planck usually focus on their famous controversy, a conflict between `instrumentalist' and realist philosophies of science that revolved around the specific issue of the existence of atoms. This article approaches their relation from a different perspective, comparing their analyses of energy and energy conservation. It is argued that this reveals a number of striking similarities and differences. Both Mach and Planck agreed that the law was valid, and they sought to purge energy of its anthropomorphic elements. They did so in radically different ways, however, illustrating the differences between Mach's `historical' and Planck's `rationalistic' accounts of knowledge. Planck's attempt to de-anthropomorphize energy was part of his attempt to demarcate theoretical physics from other disciplines. Mach's attempt to de-anthropomorphize energy is placed in the context of fin-de-siècle Vienna. By doing so, this article also proposes a new interpretation of Mach as a philosopher, historian and sociologist of science.
Luca Guzzardi;
Energy, Metaphysics, and Space: Ernst Mach’s Interpretation of Energy Conservation as the Principle of Causality
Siemsen, Hayo;
The Mach-Planck Debate Revisited: Democratization of Science or Elite Knowledge?
Francesco Guerra;
Matteo Leone;
Nadia Robotti;
When Energy Conservation Seems to Fail: The Prediction of the Neutrino
Stöltzner, Michael;
The Principle of Least Action as the Logical Empiricist's Shibboleth
Fabio Bevilacqua;
Energy: Learning from the Past
Ricardo Lopes Coelho;
On the Concept of Energy: Eclecticism and Rationality
Cahan, David;
Helmholtz and the British Scientific Elite: From Force Conservation to Energy Conservation
Lohrmann, Dietrich;
Idee und Wirklichkeit des Perpetuum mobile im Mittelalter
Bohang Chen;
Entelechy and Energy: Reconsidering Hans Driesch’s Vitalism in The Science and Philosophy of the Organism
Gereon Wolters;
Mach e la relatività: una storia infinita ambientata a HOPOSia?
Hui, Alexandra;
Changeable Ears: Ernst Mach's and Max Planck's Studies of Accommodation in Hearing
Mermin, N. David;
Understanding Einstein's 1905 Derivation of E=mc2
Badia, Lynn Ann;
A Universe of Forces: Energy in Early Twentieth-Century Theory and Literature
Charak, Gregory Scott;
Between Soul and Precision: Ernst Mach's Biological Empiricism and the SocialDemocratic Philosophy of Science
van Strien, Marij;
The Nineteenth Century Conflict between Mechanism and Irreversibility
Deltete, Robert J.;
Planck, Ostwald, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Elske de Waal;
Sjang L. ten Hagen;
The Concept of Fact in German Physics around 1900: A Comparison between Mach and Einstein
Bächtold, Manuel;
Saving Mach's View on Atoms
Luca Guidetti;
Il problema dell'analogia in Ernst Mach
Marco Buzzoni;
Ernst Mach interprete di Pierre Duhem. Valore e limiti della sperimentazione mentale
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