Article ID: CBB000933692

Did Einstein prove E=mc2? (2009)


Although Einstein's name is closely linked with the celebrated relation E=mc2 between mass and energy, a critical examination of the more than half dozen proofs of this relation that Einstein produced over a span of forty years reveals that all these proofs suffer from mistakes. Einstein introduced unjustified assumptions, committed fatal errors in logic, or adopted low-speed, restrictive approximations. He never succeeded in producing a valid general proof applicable to a realistic system with arbitrarily large internal speeds. The first such general proof was produced by Max Laue in 1911 (for closed systems with a time-independent energy--momentum tensor) and it was generalized by Felix Klein in 1918 (for arbitrary time-dependent closed systems).

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Authors & Contributors
Lemmerich, Jost
André, Authier
Boughn, Stephen
Goodstein, Judith R.
Gray, Jeremy
Hermann, Armin
European Physical Journal H
Physics in Perspective
Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
Oxford University Press
American Mathematical Society
Berlin Liebenwalde ERS-Verl.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Franz Steiner Verlag
Johns Hopkins University Press
Relativity, general
Theoretical physics
Quantum mechanics
Einstein, Albert
Laue, Max von
Hilbert, David
Klein, Felix
Levi-Civita, Tullio
Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon
Time Periods
20th century, early
20th century
17th century
19th century
United States
Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt (Germany)
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG)

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