Article ID: CBB000933515

Gibbs and His Vector Theory (2008)


Sun, Qinghua (Author)
Bao, Fangxun (Author)

Ziran Kexueshi Yanjiu (Studies in the History of Natural Sciences)
Volume: 27
Pages: 83--93

Publication Date: 2008
Edition Details: [Translated title.] In Chinese.
Language: Chinese

The vector theory is one of the important achievements of the domain of mathematics and physics in the second half of the 19th century. Based upon systematically analyzing the work of Gibbs, this paper discusses J. W. Gibbs' significant contributions to vector theory and the origin of his thoughts. The idea of quarternions is the base of vector theory which J. W. Gibbs created. Maxwell's gentle criticism and discriminating employment of quarternions methods probably did not go unnoticed by J. W. Gibbs, so the times were for J. W. Gibbs, who made the most important and key step by his insight and ingenuity, and created the modern vector analysis system. Successful application of vector theory in physics and astronomy enabled the theory to develop rapidly and spread widely.

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Authors & Contributors
Dell'Aglio, Luca
Klein, Martin J.
Aleksandrova, N. V.
Caparrini, Sandro
Cutrufello, Gabriel J.
Daub, Edward E.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche
Proceedings of the ... International Congress of the History of Science
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
Historia Mathematica
Journal of Chemical Education
American Mathematical Society
Cornell University
Temple University
Vectors; tensors
Gibbs, Josiah Willard
Ostwald, Friedrich Wilhelm
Ricci Curbastro, Gregorio
Banach, Stefan
Boltzmann, Ludwig
Einstein, Albert
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
20th century
20th century, early
20th century, late
United States

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