Souza, Eduardo Frederico Alexander Amaral de (Author)
Luz, Madel Therezinha (Author)
The emergence and development of alternative therapies comprised part of the counter-cultural movement initiated in the 1960s. In the health field of the western world, the social transformations that occurred at that time inaugurated a period in which diverse health cultures coexisted. In this work we elaborate the socio-anthropological interpretations of cultural, political and socio-economic factors that influenced these transformations. First, we identify the macrocultural factors that would influence the transformations in the health field. Next, within this field we analyze the conflicts and disruptions that contributed to the search for new therapeutic practices. We use text analysis as the principal methodology, starting from the presupposition that the integrative approach of alternative therapies expresses an aspect of the transformation in the cultural values of contemporaneous societies.
Weinstein, Deborah;
The Pathological Family: Postwar America and the Rise of Family Therapy
Joseph E. Davis;
Ana Marta Gonzalez;
To Fix or To Heal: Patient Care, Public Health, and the Limits of Biomedicine
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Reductionist Medicine and Its Cultural Authority
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Traditional Chinese Medicine: Heritage and Adaptation
Wu, Y.-C.;
(cited 2012)
A Disorder of Ki: Alternative Treatments for Neurasthenia in Japan, 1890--1945
Travis A Weisse;
“Alone in a Sea of Rib-Tips”: Alvenia Fulton, Natural Health, and the Politics of Soul Food
Rankin, Alisha;
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Proper People: Early Asylum Life in the Words of Those Who Were There
Lavine, Matthew;
The Science of Automatic Precision: The Rise and Fall of Spectro-Chrome Therapy
Songhurst, Leah;
(cited 2010)
The Medicalisation of Happiness: A History of St. John's Wort
Halliwell, Martin;
Therapeutic Revolutions: Medicine, Psychiatry, and American Culture, 1945--1970
Ehlers, Nadine;
The Dialectics of Vulnerability: Breast Cancer and the Body in Prognosis
Murray, Heather;
“My Place Was Set At The Terrible Feast”: The Meanings of the “Anti-Psychiatry” Movement and Responses in the United States, 1970s--1990s
Nancy Tomes;
“Not Just for Doctors Anymore”: How the Merck Manual Became a Consumer Health “Bible”
Witte, Wilfried;
The Emergence of Chronic Pain: Phantom Limbs, Subjective Experience and Pain Management in Post-war West Germany
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Ilaria Gorini;
The dialogue between the worlds of art and science
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Introduction: Holism against Reductionism
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Designing the Creative Child: Playthings and Places in Midcentury America
Dorland, Michael;
Cadaverland: Inventing a Pathology of Catastrophe for Holocaust Survival: The Limits of Medical Knowledge and Memory in France
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Madness in Cold War America
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