Biard, Joël (Author)
Rommevaux, Sabine (Author)
This article contains a critical edition and a French translation of the question Utrum spericum tangit planum in puncto by Blasius of Parma (1416). These two parts are preceded by a historical and doctrinal introduction. The question of whether a sphere touches a plane surface in one point only, which had originally emerged in the context of a passage in Aristotle's Treatise on the Soul, had become an independent issue in thirteenth century. The text edited in this article is the seventh question of Blasius' commentary on the first book of the Treatise in the Soul, which was however transmitted separately in an Oxford manuscript. Blasius of Parma there investigates the status of objects such as the point, the line and the plane, and analyses the possibility of a contact between a sphere and a plane, intertwining logical, physical and mathematical arguments. In his own answer to the problem, he distinguishes between a mathematical and physical point of view.
Euclid, ;
Euclide d'Alexandrie. Les Éléments. Traduit du texte de Heiberg, Volume 4, Livres XI-XIII: Géométrie des Solides
Rommevaux, Sabine;
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Archimedes, ;
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Glasner, Ruth;
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Enrico Giusti;
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Vitrac, Bernard;
Djebbar, Ahmed;
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