Article ID: CBB000931776

The Danube Floods and their Human Response and Perception (14th to 17th C) (2005)


Rohr, Christian (Author)

History of Meteorology
Volume: 2
Pages: 71--86

Publication Date: 2005
Edition Details: Part of a special section: Diversity in the Global Reconstruction and Representation of Weather and Climate: East, South, West, North
Language: English

In this paper, emphasis will be given to a mentality bound approach, which asks for the perception, interpretation, management and cultural responses to floods. It will be shown that these aspects are influenced rather more by the expectation of floods than by religious beliefs. This study will examine in particular the reactions of the people living close to the Danube River and its catchment area in Austria between the 14th and 17th centuries. As climate and weather history of pre-modern times is based on non-objective measurement, it is not easy to get proxy data from records such as This year happened an extraordinary flood. So, the following questions have to be answered to contextualize non-objective records: How did the people experience these floods? How did the specific interpretations of these days look like? Can they be called irrational or had the people built up a culture of flood management?7 How did they manage the floods with the available means? Did the strategies of perception, interpretation and management change within the period from the Late Middle Ages to the 17th century? Were public reactions, such as the legislations of city councils, the landlords and the modern state, always equivalent to individual reactions? Did people in the cities and in the countryside learn from experience and change their living and working attitudes in the course of consecutive flood events?


Description On the perception, interpretation, management and cultural responses to floods.

Included in

Article McNally, Louis K., III; Rohr, Christian (2005) Symposium Editors' Introduction. History of Meteorology (p. 37). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Vergani, Raffaello
Boisseuil, Didier
Donato, Maria Pia
Garden, Donald A.
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British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin
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Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
Environment and History
Environmental History
Academic Press
Cornell University Press
Edizioni ETS
Yale University Press
Edizioni Osiride
Earth sciences
Science and society
Hydraulic engineering
Disasters; catastrophes
Environmental history
Cabeo, Niccolo
Clavius, Christopher
Fibonacci, Leonardo
Galilei, Galileo
Linnaeus, Carolus
Time Periods
16th century
14th century
15th century
17th century
13th century
Holy Roman Empire
Alps (Europe)

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