Condren, Conal (Editor)
Gaukroger, Stephen W. (Editor)
Hunter, Ian (Editor)
Description Contents:
Review Reiss, Timothy J. (2008) Review of "The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe: The Nature of a Contested Identity". Metascience: An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science (p. 263).
Chapter Hunter, Ian (2006) The University Philosopher in Early Modern Germany. In: The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe: The Nature of a Contested Identity (p. 35).
Chapter Curtis, Catherine (2006) From Sir Thomas More to Robert Burton: The Laughing Philosopher in the Early Modern Period. In: The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe: The Nature of a Contested Identity (p. 90).
Chapter Serjeantson, R. W. (2006) Hobbes, the Universities and the History of Philosophy. In: The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe: The Nature of a Contested Identity (p. 113).
Chapter Friedeburg, Robert von (2006) Persona and Office: Althusius on the Formation of Magistrates and Councilors. In: The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe: The Nature of a Contested Identity (p. 160).
Chapter Harrison, Peter (2006) The Natural Philosopher and the Virtues. In: The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe: The Nature of a Contested Identity (p. 202).
Chapter Green, Karen; Broad, Jacqueline (2006) Fictions of a Feminine Philosophical persona: Christine de Pizan, Margaret Cavendish and philosophia Lost. In: The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe: The Nature of a Contested Identity (p. 229).
Chapter Gaukroger, Stephen (2006) The persona of the Natural Philosopher. In: The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe: The Nature of a Contested Identity (p. 17).
Chapter Condren, Conal (2006) The persona of the Philosopher and the Rhetorics of Office in Early Modern England. In: The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe: The Nature of a Contested Identity (p. 66).
Chapter Saunders, David (2006) The Judicial persona in Historical Context: The Case of Matthew Hale. In: The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe: The Nature of a Contested Identity (p. 140).
Chapter Cottingham, John (2006) Descartes as Sage: Spiritual askesis in Cartesian Philosophy. In: The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe: The Nature of a Contested Identity (p. 182).
Chapter Yeo, Richard (2006) John Locke and Polite Philosophy. In: The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe: The Nature of a Contested Identity (p. 254).
Steward, M. A.;
English Philosophy in the Age of Locke
Susan James;
Life and Death in Early Modern Philosophy
Emilia Giancotti;
Baruch Spinoza. La ragione, la libertà, l'idea di Dio e del mondo nell'epoca della borghesia e delle nuove scienze
Miklós Vassányi;
Anima Mundi: The Rise of the World Soul Theory in Modern German Philosophy
Mario Biagioni;
Socinianesimo europeo. Alcune riflessioni in margine al volume Socinianism di Zbigniew Ogonowski
Giuliano Gasparri;
La messa all’Indice delle opere di Henry More (1695-1697)
Teske, Roland J.;
The Heaven of Heaven and the Unity of St. Augustine's Confessions
Essay Review
Emanuela Scribano;
Attorno a Steven Nadler
Shepherd, Michael;
Friend to mankind: Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499)
Steven Nadler;
The Best of All Possible Worlds: A Story of Philosophers, God, and Evil
Giuliano Gasparri;
Documenti sulla messa all’Indice delle opere di Henry More (1698-1703)
Fraenckel, Carlos;
On the Concept and History of Philosophical Religions
Dario Gurashi;
The Stargazing Physician. How to read Agrippa’s Astrological Calendar
Celenza, Christopher S.;
Piety and Pythagoras in Renaissance Florence: The Symbolum Nesianum
Clark, Mary T.;
Augustine on Immutability and Mutability
Hellmeier, Paul Dominikus;
Anima et intellectus: Albertus Magnus und Thomas von Aquin über Seele und Intellekt des Menschen
Liane Carlson;
Contingency and the Limits of History: How Touch Shapes Experience and Meaning
James A. Harris;
Hume: An Intellectual Biography
Eva Del Soldato;
Early modern Aristotle : On the making and unmaking of authority
Alessandro Dini;
Immagini della natura nell'età moderna
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