Brown, Karen (Author)
This article looks at the scientific studies and debates that surrounded the control of nagana (trypanosomosis in livestock) in Zululand, South Africa, from the late nineteenth century until the 1950s. By 1953 the disease appeared to be contained following the use of DDT to exterminate the tsetse fly that spread the infection from immune wildlife to susceptible livestock. It argues that South Africa made an important contribution to western knowledge about trypanosomosis in terms of its etiology and possibilities for its control---a fact that has often been overlooked in the historical literature that has tended to focus on events in colonial central and east Africa. It explores Zulu conceptualizations of nagana, which influenced early researchers, the evolution of veterinary, entomological, and ecological sciences as "tools" for understanding and suppressing disease, as well as the difficulties involved in reconciling game conservation with colonial settlement. The article also shows how an animal disease contributed to the development of colonial science and encouraged the expansion of scientific networks with African colonies and beyond. Key Words: nagana * trypanosomosis * Zululand * colonial science * veterinary medicine * livestock * Onderstepoort * tsetse * game * DDT
Brown, Karen;
Livestock Diseases, Racial Politics and Veterinary Medicine in South Africa c. 1870--1920
Woods, Abigail;
From Practical Men to Scientific Experts: British Veterinary Surgeons and the Development of Government Scientific Expertise, c. 1878--1919
Edwards, Natalie;
From Beverley Disease to Braxy to Enterotoxaemia: The Journey of a Disease in Western Australian Livestock and the Transmission of Veterinary Knowledge in Australasia
Gradmann, Christoph;
Robert Koch and the Invention of the Carrier State: Tropical Medicine, Veterinary Infections and Epidemiology around 1900
Woods, Abigail;
“Partnership” in Action: Contagious Abortion and the Governance of Livestock Disease in Britain, 1885--1921
Saurabh Mishra;
Beastly Encounters of the Raj: Livelihoods, Livestock and Veterinary Health in India, 1790-1920
Christopher R. Conz;
Sheep, Scab Mites, and Society: The Process and Politics of Veterinary Knowledge in Lesotho, Southern Africa, c. 1900-1933
Anthony P. Cavender;
Donald B. Ball;
Home Cures for Ailing Horses: A Case Study of Nineteenth-Century Vernacular Veterinary Medicine in Tennessee
Brown, Karen;
Gilfoyle, Daniel;
Healing the Herds: Disease, Livestock Economies, and the Globilization of Veterinary Medicine
Lachenal, Guillaume;
Médecine, comparaisons et échanges inter-impériaux dans le mandat camerounais: une histoire croisée franco-allemande de la mission Jamot
Webel, Mari K.;
Borderlands of Research: Medicine, Empire, and Sleeping Sickness in East Africa, 1902--1914
Brown, Karen;
Tropical Medicine and Animal Diseases: Onderstepoort and the Development of Veterinary Science in South Africa, 1908--1950
Gilfoyle, Daniel;
Veterinary Immunology as Colonial Science: Method and Quantification in the Investigation of Horsesickness in South Africa, c. 1905--1945
Gilfoyle, Daniel;
Anthrax in South Africa: Economics, Experiment and the Mass Vaccination of Animals, c. 1910--1945
Samuël Coghe;
A New Pastoral Frontier: Colonial Development, Environmental Knowledge, and the Introduction of Trypanotolerant Cattle in French Equatorial Africa, 1945–1960
Haynes, D. M.;
Framing tropical disease in London: Patrick Manson, Filaria perstans, and the Uganda sleeping sickness epidemic, 1891-1902
Brown, Karen;
Poisonous Plants, Pastoral Knowledge and Perceptions of Environmental Change in South Africa, c. 1880--1940
Bert Theunissen;
Beauty Or Statistics: Practice and Science in Dutch Livestock Breeding, 1900-2000
Brown, Karen;
Environmental and Veterinary History---Some Themes and Suggested Ways Forward
Cordero del Campillo, Miguel;
Crónicas de Indias: Ganadería, Medicina y Veterinaria
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