Staley, Richard A. (Author)
The Fin de Siècle Thesis. This paper examines the relations between John Heilbron's argument that fin de siècle physicists adjusted the image and substance of their discipline to cultural concerns, and Paul Forman's approach to acausality in the Weimar period. In addition to their focus on representation rather than truth, adherents of the descriptionist epistemologies that Heilbron identified also promoted an emphasis on method, statistical rather than causal explanations, historical understandings of epistemology, and stressed the relations between physics and other disciplines. Their views provide an intellectual context - within the physics discipline - for at least some part of what Forman had described as a capitulation to the hostile social environment expressed in Oswald Spengler's Der Untergang des Abendlandes.
...MoreDescription Compares John Heilbron's causal argument relating fin-de-siècle physicists to their cultural concerns and Paul Forman's approach to acausality in the Weimar period.
Article Trischler, Helmuth; Carson, Cathryn; Kojevnikov, Alexei (2008) Beyond Weimar Culture -- Die Bedeutung der Forman-These für eine Wissenschaftsgeschichte in kulturhistorischer Perspektive. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (p. 305).
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Kosmos, Koralle und Kultur-Milieu. Zur Bedeutung der populären Wissenschaftsvermittlung im späten Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik
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Carson, Cathryn;
Kozhevnikov, A. B.;
Trischler, Helmuth;
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Trischler, Helmuth;
Carson, Cathryn;
Kojevnikov, Alexei;
Beyond Weimar Culture -- Die Bedeutung der Forman-These für eine Wissenschaftsgeschichte in kulturhistorischer Perspektive
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