Trischler, Helmuth (Author)
Carson, Cathryn L. (Author)
Kojevnikov, Alexei (Author)
Beyond Weimar Culture - The Significance of the Forman Thesis for a Cultural Approach to the History of Science. The famous Forman thesis, published in 1971, argued for a historical linkage among the intellectual atmosphere of Weimar Germany, popular revolts against determinism and materialism, and the creation of the revolutionary new theory of quantum mechanics. Paul Forman's long essay on Weimar Culture has shaped research agendas in numerous fields, from the history and philosophy of physics to German history to the sociology of scientific knowledge. Despite its status as a classic and its transformative effect, Weimar Culture has always inspired as much critique as assent. In particular in the history of science, cohorts of students and two generations of scholars have debated the Forman thesis as a conceptual tool for linking scientific change with cultural processes. The Forman thesis raises critical questions for both the ongoing debates over cultural approaches to the history of science and the burgeoning newer scholarship on physics in and beyond Weimar Germany. Exploring these implications has been the aim of a transnational project of the three authors of this article which sheds some light on these debates and briefly introduces the following papers of this special issue devoted to Paul Forman and his seminal works in the history of science.
...MoreDescription Contents:
Article Staley, Richard (2008) The Fin de Siècle Thesis. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (p. 311).
Article Seth, Suman (2008) Mystik and Technik: Arnold Sommerfeld and Early-Weimar Quantum Theory. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (p. 331).
Article Schirrmacher, Arne (2008) Kosmos, Koralle und Kultur-Milieu. Zur Bedeutung der populären Wissenschaftsvermittlung im späten Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (p. 353).
Article Wolff, Stefan L. (2008) Die Konstituierung eines Netzwerkes reaktionärer Physiker in der Weimarer Republik. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (p. 372).
Article Beyler, Richard H. (2008) Hostile Environmental Intellectuals? Critiques and Counter-Critiques of Science and Technology in West Germany after 1945. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (p. 393).
Staley, Richard;
The Fin de Siècle Thesis
Essay Review
Seth, Suman;
Forman at Forty: New Perspectives on “Weimar Culture and Quantum Mechanics”
Schirrmacher, Arne;
Kosmos, Koralle und Kultur-Milieu. Zur Bedeutung der populären Wissenschaftsvermittlung im späten Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik
Forman, Paul;
Carson, Cathryn;
Kozhevnikov, A. B.;
Trischler, Helmuth;
Weimar Culture and Quantum Mechanics: Selected Papers by Paul Forman and Contemporary Perspectives on the Forman Thesis
Beyler, Richard H.;
Hostile Environmental Intellectuals? Critiques and Counter-Critiques of Science and Technology in West Germany after 1945
Holmes, Richard;
Biography: The Scientist Within
Brassley, Paul;
Joan Thirsk (1922--2013): An Obituary
Weldon, Stephen P.;
Bibliography Is Social: Organizing Knowledge in the Isis Bibliography from Sarton to the Early Twenty-First Century
Michel Blay;
Critique of the History of Science
Quellier, Florent;
L'aprés Jean-Louis Flandrin, une décennie d'histoire de l'alimentation en France (XVe-XIXe siécles)
Essay Review
Love, Alan C;
Richards, Robert J;
Bowler, Peter J.;
What-If History of Science
Wolff, Stefan L.;
Die Konstituierung eines Netzwerkes reaktionärer Physiker in der Weimarer Republik
Brandau, Daniel;
Cultivating the Cosmos: Spaceflight Thought in Imperial Germany
Seth, Suman;
Mystik and Technik: Arnold Sommerfeld and Early-Weimar Quantum Theory
Fuechtner, Veronika;
Berlin Psychoanalytic: Psychoanalysis and Culture in Weimar Republic Germany and Beyond
Szöllösi-Janze, Margit;
Science and Social Space: Transformations in the Institutions of Wissenschaft from the Wilhelmine Empire to the Weimar Republic
Bayuk, Dimitri A.;
History of Science in Russia: The IIET in Moscow and St. Petersburg
Golinski, Jan;
Thomas Kuhn and Interdisciplinary Conversation: Why Historians and Philosophers of Science Stopped Talking to One Another
Guido Cimino;
Vincenzo Cappelletti: Science Historian and Promoter of Cultural Events
Steven Shapin;
Specialists with spirit: Re-enchanting the vocation of science
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