Dinçkal, Noyan (Editor)
Mohajeri, Shahrooz (Editor)
Review Radkau, Joachim (2005) Review of "Blickwechsel: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Wasserversorgung und Abwasserentsorgung in Berlin und Istanbul". Technikgeschichte: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie (p. 76).
Matthew Evenden;
Water Purity, Health, and Expertise: Debating Fluoridation in Vancouver during the 1950s
Banister, Jeffrey M.;
Widdifield, Stacie G.;
The Debut of `Modern Water' in Early 20th Century Mexico City: The Xochimilco Potable Waterworks
Reynolds, Terry S.;
The McNeil Street Pumping Station and the water supply of Shreveport, Louisiana
Reynolds, Terry S.;
The “Soo” Hydro: A case study of the influence of managerial and topographical constraints on engineering design
Harper, Christine Froechtenigt;
The Water Wizard: John F. Wixford and the Purification of the St. Louis Water Supply in 1904
Erik Swyngedouw;
Liquid Power: Contested Hydro-Modernities in Twentieth-Century Spain
Tsingtao Brewery;
Shen Hou;
(April 2019)
Nature’s Tonic: Beer, Ecology, and Urbanization in a Chinese City, 1900–50
Lamoreaux, Philip E.;
Tanner, Judy T.;
Springs and Bottled Waters of the World: Ancient History, Source, Occurrence, Quality and Use
Sellers, Christopher;
The Artificial Nature of Fluoridated Water: Between Nations, Knowledge, and Material Flows
Reynolds, Terry S.;
Cisterns and fires: Shreveport, Louisiana, as a case study of the emergence of the public water supply systems in the south
Back, W.;
Landa, E. R.;
Meeks, L.;
Bottled water, spas, and early years of water chemistry
Stadler, Friedrich;
The Road to Experience and Prediction from Within: Hans Reichenbach's Scientific Correspondence from Berlin to Istanbul
Dinçkal, Noyan;
Reluctant Modernization: The Cultural Dynamics of Water Supply in Istanbul, 1885--1950
Brooke Shilling;
Paul Stephenson;
Fountains and Water Culture in Byzantium
Ann Olga Koloski-Ostrow;
The Archaeology of Sanitation in Roman Italy: Toilets, Sewers, and Water Systems
Fonseca, Alberto;
Prado Filho, José Francisco do;
Um esquecido marco do saneamento no Brasil: o sistema de águas e esgotos de Ouro Preto (1887--1890)
Toke S. Aidt;
Romola J. Davenport;
Felix Gray;
New perspectives on the contribution of sanitary investments to mortality decline in English cities, 1845–1909
Stippak, Marcus;
Beharrliche Provisorien städtische Wasserversorgung und Abwasserentsorgung in Darmstadt und Dessau 1869--1989
Bhaduri, Saradindu;
Sharma, Aviram;
Public Understanding of Participation in Regulatory Decision-Making: The Case of Bottled Water Quality Standards in India
Weigl, Andreas;
The Rise and Fall of the Fürsorgerin (Female Welfare Worker) in Austrian Public Health Services: Theory and Practice of a Professional Link within a Changing Social and Epidemiological Framework
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