Book ID: CBB000800018

Medics at War: Military Medicine from Colonial Times to the 21st Century (2005)


Greenwood, John R. (Author)
Berry, F. Clifton, Jr. (Author)

Naval Institute Press

Publication Date: 2005
Edition Details: Presented by the Association of the United States Army
Physical Details: ix + 214 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index
Language: English

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Authors & Contributors
P. Willey
Douglas D. Scott
Barras, Vincent
Borges, Augusto Moutinho
Bucchi, Massimiano
Byerly, Carol R.
Journal of Medical Biography
Medicina Historica
Harvard University Asia Center
Imprensa da Universidade
University of Oklahoma Press
University of Colorado at Boulder
Medicine and the military; medicine in war
Disease and diseases
Malpighi, Marcello
Redi, Francesco
Lovell, Joseph
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
17th century
20th century
21st century
15th century
United States
Great Britain
United States. Army

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