Book ID: CBB000774615

The Evolutionary Imagination in Late-Victorian Novels: An Entangled Bank (2007)


Glendening, John (Author)


Publication Date: 2007
Physical Details: 225 pp.; bibl.; index
Language: English

Description Focuses on texts of H. G. Wells, Thomas Hardy, Bram Stoker, and Joseph Conrad.

Reviewed By

Review Hale, Piers J. (2008) Review of "The Evolutionary Imagination in Late-Victorian Novels: An Entangled Bank". Journal of the History of Biology (p. 394). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Coccaro, Adam
Compagnon, Antoine
Cuddy, Lois A.
Farooq, Nihad M.
Gossin, Pamela
Hale, Piers J.
19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century
Journal of the History of Biology
Journal of the History of Ideas
Duke University
New York University
Bucknell University Press
Edinburgh University Press
Palgrave Macmillan
Science and literature
Science and culture
Science fiction
Poetry and poetics
Wells, Herbert George
Darwin, Charles Robert
Hardy, Thomas
Shaw, George Bernard
Blind, Mathilde
Boas, Franz
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
20th century, early
18th century
21st century
Great Britain
United States
British Isles
United Kingdom

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