Book ID: CBB000773587

Planetary Diagrams for Roman Astronomy in Medieval Europe, ca. 800--1500 (2004)


Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield (Author)
Grasshoff, Gerd (Author)

American Philosophical Society

Publication Date: 2004
Physical Details: xiv + 158 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index
Language: English

Reviewed By

Review Grant, Edward (2005) Review of "Planetary Diagrams for Roman Astronomy in Medieval Europe, ca. 800--1500". Journal for the History of Astronomy (p. 237). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Eastwood, Bruce Stansfield
Jones, Alexander
Ramirez-Weaver, Eric M.
Springsfeld, Kerstin
Carman, Christián Carlos
Dekker, Elly
Journal for the History of Astronomy
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
New York University
Edizioni ETS
F. Steiner
Pennsylvania State University Press
Solar system; planets
Transmission of texts
Alcuin of York
Barlaam Calabro
Geroulanos, Stephanos
Gregoras, Nicephorus
Time Periods
15th century
16th century
7th century
9th century
Carolingian Empire
Rome (Italy)
Holy Roman Empire

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