Krige, John G. (Author)
Why was the road to EMBL `more difficult than anticipated', as Francois Jacob put it? The standard account, advanced by scientists, is that it was because molecular biology did not require big, complex and expensive equipment like high-energy physics. European governments therefore lacked the incentive to pool their efforts and to build together a supranational laboratory `modeled on CERN'. This account is one-sided. It overlooks the fact that many scientists themselves were less than enthusiastic about building a European molecular biology laboratory in the early 1960s. Taking John Kendrew and Conrad Waddington as representative of two different and opposing views on how best to promote molecular biology in Europe at this time, I argue that a supranational laboratory project could only come to fruition once the field had been entrenched in national institutional niches (or after determined efforts to do so had failed). Until that time, the usual fear that a European laboratory would drain essential human and financial resources away from incipient or planned programmes in universities and national research centres dominated the horizons of most molecular biologists in Europe. Hence their preference to first establish EMBO to coordinate existing activities and only later to set up a supranational laboratory.
...MoreDescription On the European Molecular Biology Organization and the related laboratory (EMBL).
Article Chadarevian, Soraya de; Strasser, Bruno (2002) Molecular Biology in Postwar Europe: Towards a `Global' Picture. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (p. 361).
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Peterhouse, The Royal Society and molecular biology
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Irzik, Gürol;
Kurtulmus, A Faik;
Votes and Lab Coats: Democratizing Scientific Research and Science Policy [Review Essay Number 1500174]
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Irzik, Gürol;
Kurtulmus, A Faik;
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Velvet Revolutions: Accounting for Epistemic and Political Change at a Modern Physics Laboratory Amid the Second Rise of Biology in Synchrotron Science
Strasser, Bruno J;
Totems de laboratoires, microscopes électroniques et réseaux scientifiques: L'émergence de la biologie moléculaire à Genève (1945-1960)
Abir-Am, Pnina G.;
Elliot, Clark A.;
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