Tarski, Carnap and Quine spent the academic year 1940--1941 together at Harvard. In their autobiographies, both Carnap and Quine highlight the importance of the conversations that took place among them during the year. These conversations centred around semantical issues related to the analytic/synthetic distinction and on the project of a finitist/nominalist construction of mathematics and science. Carnap's Nachlaß in Pittsburgh contains a set of detailed notes, amounting to more than 80 typescripted pages, taken by Carnap while these discussions were taking place. In my article, I present a survey of these notes with special emphasis on Tarski's rejection of the analytic/synthetic distinction, the passage from typed languages to first-order languages, Tarski's finitism/nominalism, and the construction of a finitist language for mathematics and science.
Greg Frost-Arnold;
Carnap, Tarski, and Quine at Harvard: Conversations on Logic, Mathematics, and Science
Frost-Arnold, Gregory G.;
Carnap, Tarski, and Quine's Year Together: Logic, Mathematics, and Science
Engler, Ole;
Iven, Mathias;
Moritz Schlick: Ursprünge und Entwicklungen seines Denkens
Sandu, Gabriel;
Aho, Tuomo;
Logic and Semantics in the Twentieth Century
Carnap, Rudolf;
Quine, W.V.;
Dear Carnap, dear Van: The Quine-Carnap correspondence and related work. Edited, with an introduction by Creath, Richard
Kraal, Anders;
The Emergence of Logical Formalization in the Philosophy of Religion: Genesis, Crisis, and Rehabilitation
Frost-Arnold, Greg;
Quine's Evolution from “Carnap's Disciple” to the Author of “Two Dogmas”
Rodríguez Consuegra, Francisco;
Carnap, Quine, Gödel y la distinción analítico-sintético
Jordi Cat;
Adam Tamas Tuboly;
Neurath Reconsidered: New Sources and Perspectives
Uebel, Thomas E.;
Empiricism at the Crossroads: The Vienna Circle's Protocol-Sentence Debate
Köchy, Kristian;
Vielfalt der Wissenschaften bei Carnap, Lewin und Fleck. Zur Entwicklung eines pluralen Wissenschaftskonzepts
Stone, Abraham D.;
On the Sources and Implications of Carnap's Der Raum
Richardson, Sarah S.;
The Left Vienna Circle, Part 1. Carnap, Neurath, and the Left Vienna Circle Thesis
McElvenny, James;
International Language and the Everyday: Contact and Collaboration Between C.K. Ogden, Rudolf Carnap and Otto Neurath
Patterson, Douglas;
New Essays on Tarski and Philosophy
Manzano, Maria;
Alonso, Enrique;
Completeness: From Gödel to Henkin
Henri Wagner;
Quine’s Substitutional Definition of Logical Truth and the Philosophical Significance of the Löwenheim-Hilbert-Bernays Theorem
Føllesdal, Dagfinn;
Philosophy of Quine; V. 5: Logic, Modality and Philosophy of Mathematics
Colyvan, Mark;
Indispensability of Mathematics
Reto Gubelmann;
From Shared Stimuli to Preestablished Harmony: The Development of Quine’s Thinking on Intersubjectivity and Objective Validity
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