Article ID: CBB000740620

Harvard 1940--1941: Tarski, Carnap and Quine on a Finitistic Language of Mathematics for Science (2005)


Tarski, Carnap and Quine spent the academic year 1940--1941 together at Harvard. In their autobiographies, both Carnap and Quine highlight the importance of the conversations that took place among them during the year. These conversations centred around semantical issues related to the analytic/synthetic distinction and on the project of a finitist/nominalist construction of mathematics and science. Carnap's Nachlaß in Pittsburgh contains a set of detailed notes, amounting to more than 80 typescripted pages, taken by Carnap while these discussions were taking place. In my article, I present a survey of these notes with special emphasis on Tarski's rejection of the analytic/synthetic distinction, the passage from typed languages to first-order languages, Tarski's finitism/nominalism, and the construction of a finitist language for mathematics and science.

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Authors & Contributors
Frost-Arnold, Gregory G.
Aho, Tuomo
Alonso, Enrique
Carnap, Rudolf
Cat, Jordi
Colyvan, Mark
History and Philosophy of Logic
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
Mathesis: Filosofía e Historia de las Matemáticas
Open Court
University of Pittsburgh
Cambridge University Press
Oxford University Press
Parerga Verlag
History of philosophy of science
Philosophy of science
Carnap, Rudolf
Quine, Willard Van Orman
Tarski, Alfred
Neurath, Otto
Fleck, Ludwik
Frege, Gottlob
Time Periods
20th century, early
20th century
19th century
United States
Boston (Massachusetts, U.S.)
Vienna Circle
Harvard University

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