Article ID: CBB000660351

The Water Wizard: John F. Wixford and the Purification of the St. Louis Water Supply in 1904 (2004)


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Authors & Contributors
Reynolds, Terry S.
Dinçkal, Noyan
Brown, John K.
Evenden, Matthew D.
Fisher, Linda A.
Gioielli, Robert
Environmental History
Essays in Public Works History
Journal of Design History
Journal of Historical Geography
Louisiana History
Princeton University Press
Temple University Press
The MIT Press
Zentrum Technik und Gesellschaft
Terminal Railroad Association of St. Louis Historical and Technical Society
Water supply
Water purification
Water resource management
Public health
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
20th century, early
18th century
United States
St. Louis (Missouri, U.S.)
Louisiana (U.S.)
Missouri (U.S.)
Istanbul (Turkey)
Berlin (Germany)
New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad

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