Book ID: CBB000650733

Ausgewählte Briefe und Dokumente (1999)


Weismann, August (Author)
Churchill, Frederick B. (Editor)
Risler, Helmut (Editor)


Publication Date: 1999
Edition Details: [Selected Letters and Documents] In German.
Physical Details: 2 vol.; ill.; bibl.; index
Language: German

Reviewed By

Review Laubichler, Manfred (2002) Review of "Ausgewählte Briefe und Dokumente". Journal of the History of Biology (p. 196). unapi

Review Hopwood, Nick (2002) Review of "Ausgewählte Briefe und Dokumente". Bulletin of the History of Medicine (p. 382). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Weismann, August
Burkhardt, Frederick
Darwin, Charles Robert
Dean, Sheila Ann
Porter, Duncan M.
Wilmot, Sarah
Journal of the History of Biology
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology
Biological Theory
Freiburger Universitätsblätter
PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association
Cambridge University Press
Harvard University Press
Jan Thorbecke Verlag
Universitätsbibliothek Freiburg
University of California, Davis
Collected correspondence
Correspondence and corresponding
Weismann, August
Darwin, Charles Robert
Morgan, Thomas Hunt
Abbe, Ernst
Beckler, Hermann
Grinnell, Joseph
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
United States
Moscow (Russia)

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