Article ID: CBB000641168

The Bürgermeister's Butterfly (2002)


The history of a natural history type specimen has many components -- as a chronicled object passing from hand to hand, the various treatments of the taxon it represents, an association with personalities and a natural history at the level of the extant population that it represents. This article reviews all such aspects for one butterfly specimen, the type of a species of `White' (family Pieridae) Pseudopontia paradoxa.


Description Explores the components of a type specimen, in this case a butterfly: as a chronicled object, as an object related to its taxon, and as an object associated with people.

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Authors & Contributors
Hancock, E. Geoffrey
Douglas, A. Starr
Ackery, Phillip R.
Bologna Soares de Andrade, Mariana A.
Brown, Georgina V.
Castonguay, Stéphane
Archives of Natural History
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
British Journal for the History of Science
Canadian Historical Review
Filosofia e História da Biologia
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
University of Alabama Press
University of Minnesota Press
Natural history
Collectors and collecting
Science and art
Hunter, William
Buchner, Paul
Caradja, Aristed
Casati, Gaetano
Drury, Dru
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
17th century
20th century, early
20th century
16th century
Great Britain

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