Travis, Anthony S. (Author)
Description Contents:
Article O'Reilly, Declan (2006) Vesting GAF Corporation: The Roosevelt Administration's Decision to Americanise I.G. Farben's American Affliates in World War II. History and Technology (p. 153).
Article Baptista, Robert J.; Travis, Anthony S. (2006) I.G. Farben in America: The Technologies of General Aniline & Film. History and Technology (p. 187).
Article Travis, Anthony S. (2006) Decadence, Decline, and Celebration: Raphael Meldola and the Mauve Jubilee of 1906. History and Technology (p. 131).
Article Morris, Peter J.T. (2006) Does the Science Museum, London have Perkin's Original Mauve Dye? A Critical Reassessment of a Chemical Icon. History and Technology (p. 119).
Lesch, John E.;
The German Chemical Industry in the Twentieth Century
Kaufmann, Doris;
Geschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft im Nationalsozialismus: Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven der Forschung
Travis, Anthony S.;
150th Anniversary of Mauve and Coal-Tar Dyes
Jarman, Walter M.;
Ballschmiter, Karlheinz;
From Coal to DDT: The History of the Development of the Pesticide DDT from Synthetic Dyes till Silent Spring
Edwin Yates;
Andrew Yates;
Johann Peter Griess Frs (1829–88): Victorian Brewer and Synthetic Dye Chemist
Scheinert, Wolfgang;
Triphenylmethanfarbstoffe bei den chemischen Fabriken vorm. Weiler-ter Meer und ihren Vorläuferfirmen in Krefeld und Uerdingen
Medawar, Jean;
Pyke, David;
Hitler's Gift: The True Story of the Scientists Expelled By the Nazi Regime
Canel, Annie;
Oldenziel, Ruth;
Zachmann, Karin;
Crossing boundaries, building bridges: Comparing the history of women engineers, 1870s--1990s
Gilch, Heinz;
Die Erfinder von Nylon und Perlon: Wallace H. Carothers und Paul Schlack
Krebs, Stefan;
Technikwissenschaft als soziale Praxis: über Macht und Autonomie der Aachener Eisenhüttenkunde 1870--1914
Homburg, Ernst;
Murmann, J. P.;
Comparing evolutionary dynamics across different national settings: The case of the synthetic dye industry, 1857--1914
Serenity Sutherland;
Women in chemistry's workforce : the women's laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1876-1911
Seth C. Rasmussen;
Revisiting the Early History of Synthetic Polymers: Critiques and New Insights
Travis, Anthony S.;
Mauve and Its Anniversaries
Morris, Peter;
The Image of Chemistry Presented by the Science Museum, London in the Twentieth Century: An International Perspective
Andersen, Håkon With;
Complement or substitute? Norwegian engineering education and the German technical “Hochschule”
Travis, Anthony S.;
What a Wonderful Empire Is the Organic Chemistry
Kaminaka, Hiroshi;
Esaki, Masanao;
History of the Indigo Synthesis Technology
Iannarone, Joseph J., Jr.;
Thackray, John S.;
DuPont's Dyes Business: Three Decades of Innovation, 1950--1980
Klein, Ursula;
Technoscience avant la lettre
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