Article ID: CBB000600544

Fertility or Sterility? Darwin, Naudin and the Problem of Experimental Hybridity (2003)


Darwin came to realize that he could never devise an experiment that would demonstrate the development of new species by crossing hybrids. Instead, he turned to the problem of sterility within a species. The difference between Darwin's experimental and theoretical approach and that of French scientists working in the Musum d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris can be shown most vividly by tracking Darwin's experiments in botany and his interest in those of Charles Naudin on hybrid plants. In his discussion of Mendel, Robert Olby has provided an interesting analysis of Naudin's hereditary concepts. I have approached some of the same work here with an emphasis on the question of sterility raised by Darwin, not simply between hybrids but within members of the same species and the light that he thought this could throw on both heredity and the origin of species.

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Authors & Contributors
Bowler, Peter J.
Canseco, Juan
Deichmann, Ute
Engels, Eve-Marie
Forsdyke, Donald Roy
Georgijevsky, Aleksander B.
Journal of the History of Biology
Comptes Rendus Biologies
Filosofia e História da Biologia
Histoire et Nature
Journal for General Philosophy of Science
Medizinhistorisches Journal
Harvard University Press
McGill-Queen's University Press
Notre Dame University Press
Atlas Contact
Natural selection
Darwin, Charles Robert
Galton, Francis
Mendel, Gregor Johann
Nägeli, Karl Wilhelm von
Naudin, Charles Victor
Spencer, Herbert
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
21st century
20th century, early
Great Britain
University of Edinburgh

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