Mejía Rodríguez, Paola (Author)
Mejía, Paola;
Of Mice, Vaccines and Men: The Yellow Fever Research Program of the Rockefeller Foundation in Colombia, 1932--1948
Bedoya, Joanna;
Knowledge and Power: The Asymmetry of Interests of Colombian and Rockefeller Doctors in the Construction of the Concept of “Jungle Yellow Fever,” 1907--1938
Parmar, Inderjeet;
“To Relate Knowledge and Action”: The Impact of the Rockefeller Foundation on Foreign Policy Thinking during America's Rise to Globalism 1939--1945
Lawrence, Christopher;
Rockefeller Money, the Laboratory, and Medicine in Edinburgh, 1919--1930: New Science in an Old Country
Löwy, Ilana;
Zylberman, Patrick;
Medicine as a Social Instrument: Rockefeller Foundation, 1913--45
Hinz-Wessels, Annette;
Konjunkturen der deutschen Gelbfieberforschung in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts: Akteure und Interessen
Palmer, Steven Paul;
Launching Global Health: The Caribbean Odyssey of the Rockefeller Foundation
Gaudillière, Jean-Paul;
Rockefeller Strategies for Scientific Medicine: Molecular Machines, Viruses and Vaccines
Michael Dwyer;
Strangling Angel: Diphtheria and Childhood Immunization in Ireland
Stark, James F.;
Anthrax and Australia in a Global Context: The International Exchange of Theories and Practices with Britain and France, c. 1850--1920
Cavalcanti, Juliana Manzoni;
Rudolf Kraus em busca do “ouro da ciência”: a diversidade tropical e a elaboração de novas terapêuticas, 1913--1923
Sarah Rafferty;
Matthew R. Smallman-Raynor;
Andrew D. Cliff;
Variola minor in England and Wales: The geographical course of a smallpox epidemic and the impediments to effective disease control, 1920–1935
Lugo-Márquez, Sara;
Una perspectiva heterodoxa de la historia de los medicamentos. Dinámicas de inclusión-exclusión de los sueros antituberculosos Ravetllat-Pla en la España del primer tercio del Siglo XX
Willrich, Michael;
Pox: An American History
Giuliana Gemelli;
La Fondazione Rockefeller e le reti di eccellenza nella ricerca biomedica italiana: il ruolo di Giuseppe Levi
Abir-Am, Pnina G.;
The Rockefeller Foundation and the Post-WW2 Transnational Ecology of Science Policy: From Solitary Splendor in the Inter-War Era to a “Me Too” Agenda in the 1950s
Sean Morey Smith;
Christopher Willoughby;
Medicine and Healing in the Age of Slavery
Rebecca Tally;
“How to Not Win Friends”: Mundane Matters, Constant Critique, and the Rockefeller Foundation's Defense of Wheat Production in Colombia, 1950–1965
Barrie, H.J.;
Diary notes on a trip to West Africa in relation to a yellow fever expedition under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation, 1926, by Oskar Klotz
Megan Vaughan;
A Research Enclave in 1940s Nigeria: The Rockefeller Foundation Yellow Fever Research Institute at Yaba, Lagos, 1943–49
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