Article ID: CBB000501111

The Colony as Laboratory: German Sleeping Sickness Campaigns in German East Africa and in Togo, 1900--1914 (2002)


This paper is on dangerous human experimentations with drugs against trypanosimiasis carried out in the former German colonies of German East Africa and Togo. Victory over trypanosomiasis could not be achieved in Berlin because animals were thought to be unsuitable for therapeutic laboratory research in the field of trypanosomiasis. The colonies themselves were necessarily chosen as laboratories and the patients with sleeping sickness became the objects of therapeutical and pharmacological research. The paper first outlines Robert Koch's trypanosomiasis research in the large sleeping sickness laboratory of German East Africa and then focuses on the escalating human experiments on trypanosomiasis in the German Musterkolonie Togo, which must be interpreted as a reaction to the starting signal given by Robert Koch in East Africa.


Description “On dangerous human experimentations with drugs against trypanosomiasis.” (from the abstract)

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Authors & Contributors
Hinz-Wessels, Annette
Lachenal, Guillaume
Neill, Deborah Joy
Desowitz, Robert S.
Geissler, P. Wenzel
Gossel, Patricia Peck
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
History and Technology
Johns Hopkins University Press
Kulturverlag Kadmos
Stanford University Press
University of Chicago Press
University of Exeter
W. W. Norton & Co.
Trypanosomiasis, African
Infectious diseases
Public health
Disease and diseases
Koch, Robert
Pasteur, Louis
Bujwid, Odo
Fracastoro, Girolamo
Jamot, Eugene
Latour, Bruno
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, early
19th century
16th century
Early modern
United States
East Africa

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