Oster, Malcolm R. (Editor)
Description Contents by section: Europe's Awakening: T. *Huff, A. I. *Sabra, E. *Grant; Copernicus and His Revolution: R. S. *Westman, C. *Webster; The Spread of Copernicanism in Northern Europe: R. S. *Westman, C. *Webster; Crisis in Italy: M. *Biagioli, W. *Eamon; Iberian Science: J. M. *López Piñero, V. *Pinto, H. *Kamen; Science from the Earth in Central Europe: B. *Moran, M. *Beretta, C. *Webster, P. *Findlen; French Science in the Seventeenth Century: W. *Ashworth; Science in Seventeenth-Century England: A. *Cunningham, C. *Wilson, S. *Shapen, S. *Schaffer, L. *Principe, R. *Iliffe, B. J. *Dobbs; Scientific Academies Across Europe: M. *Biagioli, M. *Hunter, P. B. *Wood, A. *Stroup; The Reception of Newtonianism Across Europe: L. *Stewart, S. *Schaffer, J. *Brooke; Science in the Scottish Enlightenment: P. *Wood, D. *Dean, J. V. *Golinski; Science on the Fringe of Europe: Eighteenth-Century Sweden: S. *Lindroth; Science in Orthodox Europe: B. *Lewis, J. *Scott-Carver, M. D. *Gordin; Establishing Science in Eigtheenth-Century Europe: C. *Meinel, A. M. *Ospovat, H. *Lowood; The Chemical Revolution: C. *Perrin, H. G. *Schneider, M. *Crosland, M. *Conlin; Conclusions: R. *Porter, S. *Shapin, M. *Jacob.
Review Palm, Lodewijk (2005) Review of "Science in Europe, 1500-1800: A Secondary Sources Reader". Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (p. 179).
Review Henry, John (2004) Review of "Science in Europe, 1500-1800: A Secondary Sources Reader". British Journal for the History of Science (p. 346).
Jost Weyer;
Geschichte der Chemie Band 1 – Altertum, Mittelalter, 16. bis 18. Jahrhundert
Oster, Malcolm;
Science in Europe, 1500-1800: A Primary Sources Reader
Taylor, Peter J.;
Hoyler, Michael;
Evans, David M.;
A Geohistorical Study of “The Rise of Modern Science”: Mapping Scientific Practice through Urban Networks, 1500--1900
Marie Thébaud-Sorger;
Fabien Simon;
Liliane Hilaire-Pérez;
L'Europe des sciences et des techniques: XVe-XVIIIe siècles
Delbourgo, James;
Dew, Nicholas;
Science and Empire in the Atlantic World
Delbourgo, James;
Müller-Wille, Staffan;
Smith, Pamela H.;
Schmidt, Benjamin;
Making Knowledge in Early Modern Europe: Practices, Objects, and Texts, 1400--1800
Holländer, Hans;
Erkenntnis, Erfindung, Konstruktion: Studien zur Bildgeschichte von Naturwissenschaften und Technik vom 16. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert
Essay Review
Yeo, Richard;
Managing Knowledge in Early Modern Europe
Ulrike Felt;
Rayvon Fouche;
Clark A. Miller;
Laurel Smith-Doerr;
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, fourth edition
Grattan-Guinness, Ivor;
Cooke, Roger;
Landmark Writings in Western Mathematics 1640--1940
Lightman, Alan P.;
The Discoveries: Great Breakthroughs in 20th-Century Science
Bersanelli, Marco;
Gargantini, Mario;
From Galileo to Gell-Mann the Wonder That Inspired the Greatest Scientists of All Time in Their Own Words
Weber, A. S.;
19th Century Science: An Anthology
Bisha, Robin;
Gheith, Jehanne M.;
Holden, Christine;
Wagner, William G.;
Russian Women, 1668--1917: Experience and Expression, An Anthology of Sources
Lamb, Jonathan;
Smith, Vanessa;
Thomas, Nicholas;
Exploration and Exchange: A South Seas Anthology, 1680-1900
Collini, Silvia;
Vannoni, Antonella;
Les instructions scientifiques pour les voyageurs: XVIIe--XIXe siècle
Sánchez, Antonio;
Fontes da Costa, Palmira;
Leitão, Henrique de Sousa;
Ciência, Tecnologia E Medicina Na Construção de Portugal. 1: Novos Horizontes (Sécs. XV a XVII)
Jacob, Margaret C.;
The Scientific Revolution: A Brief History with Documents
Cohen, H. Floris;
The Onset of the Scientific Revolution: Three Near-Simultaneous Transformations
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