Book ID: CBB000201906

Science in Europe, 1500-1800: A Secondary Sources Reader (2002)


Oster, Malcolm R. (Editor)


Publication Date: 2002
Physical Details: xii + 307 pp.; bibl.; index
Language: English

Description Contents by section: Europe's Awakening: T. *Huff, A. I. *Sabra, E. *Grant; Copernicus and His Revolution: R. S. *Westman, C. *Webster; The Spread of Copernicanism in Northern Europe: R. S. *Westman, C. *Webster; Crisis in Italy: M. *Biagioli, W. *Eamon; Iberian Science: J. M. *López Piñero, V. *Pinto, H. *Kamen; Science from the Earth in Central Europe: B. *Moran, M. *Beretta, C. *Webster, P. *Findlen; French Science in the Seventeenth Century: W. *Ashworth; Science in Seventeenth-Century England: A. *Cunningham, C. *Wilson, S. *Shapen, S. *Schaffer, L. *Principe, R. *Iliffe, B. J. *Dobbs; Scientific Academies Across Europe: M. *Biagioli, M. *Hunter, P. B. *Wood, A. *Stroup; The Reception of Newtonianism Across Europe: L. *Stewart, S. *Schaffer, J. *Brooke; Science in the Scottish Enlightenment: P. *Wood, D. *Dean, J. V. *Golinski; Science on the Fringe of Europe: Eighteenth-Century Sweden: S. *Lindroth; Science in Orthodox Europe: B. *Lewis, J. *Scott-Carver, M. D. *Gordin; Establishing Science in Eigtheenth-Century Europe: C. *Meinel, A. M. *Ospovat, H. *Lowood; The Chemical Revolution: C. *Perrin, H. G. *Schneider, M. *Crosland, M. *Conlin; Conclusions: R. *Porter, S. *Shapin, M. *Jacob.

Reviewed By

Review Palm, Lodewijk (2005) Review of "Science in Europe, 1500-1800: A Secondary Sources Reader". Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (p. 179). unapi

Review Henry, John (2004) Review of "Science in Europe, 1500-1800: A Secondary Sources Reader". British Journal for the History of Science (p. 346). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Delbourgo, James
Bersanelli, Marco
Bisha, Robin
Cohen, H. Floris
Collini, Silvia
Cooke, Roger M.
Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
University of Chicago Press
Bedford/St. Martin's
Broadview Press
Gebr. Mann Verlag
Indiana University Press
Science, general histories
Primary literature (historical sources)
Technology, general histories
Travel; exploration
Revolutions in science
Curie, Marie Sklodowska
Curie, Pierre
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Antoine Pierre de Monet de
Time Periods
17th century
16th century
18th century
19th century
15th century
Atlantic Ocean
Atlantic world

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