Book ID: CBB000110580

Ancient Astronomy and Celestial Divination (2000)


Swerdlow, Noel M. (Editor)

MIT Press

Publication Date: 2000
Physical Details: x + 378 pp., illus.
Language: English

Description This volume presents recent work on Babylonian celestial divination and on the Greek inheritors of the Babylonian tradition. Both philological and mathematical works are included. Contents: N. M. SWERDLOW, Introduction; ERICA REINER, Babylonian Celestial Divination; F. ROCHBERG, Babylonian Horoscopy: The Texts and Their Relations; C. B. F. WALKER, Babylonian Observations of Saturn during the Reign of Kandalanu; HERMANN HUNGER, Non-Mathematical Astronomical Texts and Their Relationships; GERD GRAßHOFF, Normal Star Observations in Late Babylonian Astronomical Diaries; LIS BRACK-BERNSEN, Goal-Year Tablets: Lunar Data and Predictions; ASGER AABOE, A New Mathematical Text from the Astronomical Archive in Babylon: BM 36849; JOHN P. BRITTON, Lunar Anomaly in Babylonian Astronomy: Portrait of an Original Theory; N. M. SWERDLOW, The Derivation of the Parameters of Babylonian Planetary Theory with Time as the Principal Independent Variable; ALEXANDER JONES, A Classification of Astronomical Tables on Papyrus; BERNARD R. GOLDSTEIN, ALAN C. BOWEN, The Role of Observation in Ptolemy's Lunar Theories; ANNE TIHON, Theon of Alexandria and Ptolemy's Handy Tables.

Reviewed By

Review Evans, James (2002) Review of "Ancient Astronomy and Celestial Divination". Journal for the History of Astronomy (p. 75). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Steele, John M.
Jones, Alexander
Ben-Dov, Jonathan
Bernard, Alain
Brown, David
Calderón Dorda, E.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Biblioteca apostolica vaticana
de Gruyter
Hempen Verlag
Tables; catalogs; lists
Theon of Alexandria
Meliteniotes, Theodoros
Barlaam Calabro
Geroulanos, Stephanos
Gregoras, Nicephorus
Time Periods
Early modern
Middle and Near East
Rome (Italy)
Babylon (extinct city)

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