Lesch, John E. (Editor)
Description Contents: Preface; J. E. Lesch, Introduction; P. Hayes, I. G. Farben revisited: Industry and ideology ten years later. Part I: J. A. Johnson, The academic-industrial symbiosis in German chemical research, 1905-1939; D. Stoltzenberg, Scientist and industindustrial manager: Emil Fischer and Carl Duisberg; M. Szöllösi-Janze, Losing the war but gaining ground: The German chemical industry during World War I; P. Löhnert, M. Gill, The relationship of I.G. Farben's Agfa Filmfabrik Wolfen to its Jewish scientists and scientists married to Jews, 1933-1939; A. N. Stranges, Germany's synthetic fuel industry, 1930-1945. Part II: U. Marsch, Business strategies and research organization in the German chemical industry and its role as exemplar for other industries in Germany and Britain; A. Kudo, Dominance through cooperation: I. G. Farben's Japan strategy; M. Wilkins, German chemical firms in the United States from the late nineteenth century to the post-World War II period; K. Steen, German chemicals and American politics, 1919-1922. Part III: J. Wiesen, The Richard Willstätter controversy: The legacy of anti-Semitism in the West German chemical industry; R. Karlsch, Capacity losses, reconstruction, and unfinished modernization: The chemical industry in the Soviet Zone of Occupation (SBZ/GDR, 1945-1965); A. Arora, A. Gambardella, The dynamics of industry structure: The chemical industry in the U.S., Western Europe, and Japan in the 1980s; R. Stokes, Gravity and the Rainbow-makers: Some thoughts on the trajectory of the German chemical industry in the twentieth century.
Review Travis, Anthony S. (2002) Review of "The German Chemical Industry in the Twentieth Century". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (p. 131).
Review Pence, Harry E. (2002) Review of "The German Chemical Industry in the Twentieth Century". Hyle (p. 134).
Review Morris, Peter (2003) Review of "The German Chemical Industry in the Twentieth Century". Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (p. 335).
Travis, Anthony S.;
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Werner Plumpe;
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Jan Logemann;
Felix Römer;
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Industrial Chemistry and Its Changing Patrons at the University of Liverpool, 1926--1951
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Pyke, David;
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Globalising Synthetic Nitrogen: The Interwar Inauguration of a New Industry
Freemantle, Michael;
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Lindner, Stephan H.;
Inside IG Farben: Hoechst during the Third Reich
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Gregory March;
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Gérard Emptoz;
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Bertrams, Kenneth;
Coupain, Nicolas;
Homburg, Ernst;
Hentenryk, G. Kurgan-van;
Mioche, Philippe;
Solvay: History of a Multinational Family Firm
Johnson, Jeffrey Allan;
Dilemmas of 19th-century Liberalism among German Academic Chemists: Shaping a National Science Policy from Hofmann to Fischer, 1865--1919
Peter B. Thompson;
From Gas Hysteria to Nuclear Fear: A Historical Synthesis of Chemical and Atomic Weapons
Horrocks, Sally M.;
A promising pioneer profession? Women in industrial chemistry in inter-war Britain
Van der Kloot, William;
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Finlay, Mark R.;
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