Cahn, Robert W. (Author)
Description This includes a chapter on “The Institutions and Literature of Materials Science”.
Review Oweyssi, Nick (2004) Review of "The Coming of Materials Science". Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology (p. 242).
Review Mossman, Susan (2001) Review of "The Coming of Materials Science". Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (p. 204).
Review Hull, Derek (2003) Review of "The Coming of Materials Science". Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science (p. 259).
Longo, Bernadette;
Spurious Coin: A History of Science, Management, and Technical Writing
Stierhoff, George C.;
Davis, Alfred G.;
A History of the IBM Systems Journal
Luxbacher, Günther;
“Für bestimmte Anwendungsgebiete best geeignete Werkstoffe…finden”:Zur Praxis der Forschung an Ersatzstoffen für Metalle in den deutschen Autarkie-Phasen des 20. Jahrhunderts
Haka, Andreas;
Flügel aus “Schwarzem Gold”: Zur Geschichte der Faserverbundwerkstoffe
Bertrand, Emanuel;
Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette;
Materials Research in France: A Short-lived National Initiative (1982--1994)
Rogers, Jerry R.;
Fredrich, Augustine J.;
International engineering history and heritage: Improving Bridges to ASCE's 150th Anniversary: Proceedings of the Third National Congress on Civil Engineering History and Heritage, October 10-13, 2001, Houston, Texas
Hochfelder, D.;
The History of Technical Societies: Why and How to Do Them
Han, Jinfang;
A Comparison of Academia Sinica and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)---A Case Study on the Engineering Institute of Academia Sinica and the Institute of Metallurgy and Ceramics of CAS
Greenbaum, D.;
Lim, J.;
Gerstein, M.;
An Analysis of the Present System of Scientific Publishing: What's Wrong and Where to Go from Here
Topham, Jonathan R.;
Scientific publishing and the reading of science in nineteenth-century Britain: A historiographical survey and guide to sources
Gunnarsdóttir, Kristrún;
Scientific Journal Publications: On the Role of Electronic Preprint Exchange in the Distribution of Scientific Literature
Gross, Alan G.;
Harmon, Joseph E.;
Reidy, Michael;
Communicating Science: The Scientific Article from the 17th Century to the Present
Gualdo, Riccardo;
Le parole della scienza: scritture tecniche e scientifiche in volgare (secoli XIII-XV): atti del convegno, Lecce, 16-18 aprile 1999
Muñoz Muñoz, Ester;
Heredia Avalos, Santiago;
Producció científica alacantina en repertoris científics internacionals (1981-1999)
Cleevely, R. J.;
Oliver, E. G. H.;
A Preliminary Note on the Publication Dates of H. C. Andrews' Coloured Engravings of Heaths (1794-1830)
Blair, Ann;
Reading Strategies for Coping with Information Overload, ca. 1550--1700
Pfurr, Norbert;
Der Geo-Guide im Spiegel der Fachinformation von Werners Zeiten bis heute
Calaprice, Alice;
The Einstein Almanac
McClellan, James E., III;
Specialist Control: The Publications Committee of the Academie Royale des Sciences (Paris), 1700-1793
Mussell, James;
Science, Time, and Space in the Late Nineteenth-Century Periodical Press: Movable Types
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