Book ID: CBB000102052

Emerson Dilemma: Essays on Emerson and Social Reform (2001)


Garvey, Gregory T. (Editor)

University of Georgia Press

Publication Date: 2001
Physical Details: xxviii + 264 pp., illus., bibl., index
Language: English

Description Contents: Pt. 1. Emerson's other inner life: Susan L. Roberson: Reform and the interior landscape: Mapping Emerson's political sermons; T. Gregory Garvey: Emerson's political spirit and the problem of language; Linck C. Johnson: Emerson, Thoreau's arrest, and the trials of American manhood. Pt. 2. Emerson and women's rights: Phyllis Cole: Pain and protest in the Emerson family; Armida Gilbert: “Pierced by the thorns of reform”: Emerson on Womanhood; Jeffrey A. Steele: The limits of political sympathy: Emerson, Margaret Fuller, and woman's rights. Pt. 3. Transitions in antislavery: Michael Strysick: Emerson, slavery, and the evolution of the principle of self-reliance; Len Gougeon; John Emerson: Emerson's abolition conversion; Harold K. Bush: Brown, and “Doing the word”: The enactment of political religion at Harpers Ferry, 1859. Pt. 4. Emerson's thought and the public sphere: David M. Robinson: Emerson's “American civilization”: Emancipation and the national destiny; Stephen L. Esquith: Power, poise, and place: Toward an Emersonian theory of democratic citizenship.

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Authors & Contributors
Barron, Stephanie Kay
Belmonte, Miguel Angel
Branch, Michael P.
Drolet, Michael
Gondermann, Thomas
Goudie, Andrea K.
History of European Ideas
History of Political Thought
History of the Human Sciences
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
University of Minnesota
University of Virginia
Texas A&M University
Oxford University Press
Political science
Philosophy and politics
Social sciences
Science and literature
Medicine and gender
Thoreau, Henry David
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Melville, Herman
Spencer, Herbert
Bartram, William
Fuller, Margaret
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
20th century
17th century
20th century, early
United States
Pacific Ocean
Southern states (U.S.)

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