Garvey, Gregory T. (Editor)
Description Contents: Pt. 1. Emerson's other inner life: Susan L. Roberson: Reform and the interior landscape: Mapping Emerson's political sermons; T. Gregory Garvey: Emerson's political spirit and the problem of language; Linck C. Johnson: Emerson, Thoreau's arrest, and the trials of American manhood. Pt. 2. Emerson and women's rights: Phyllis Cole: Pain and protest in the Emerson family; Armida Gilbert: “Pierced by the thorns of reform”: Emerson on Womanhood; Jeffrey A. Steele: The limits of political sympathy: Emerson, Margaret Fuller, and woman's rights. Pt. 3. Transitions in antislavery: Michael Strysick: Emerson, slavery, and the evolution of the principle of self-reliance; Len Gougeon; John Emerson: Emerson's abolition conversion; Harold K. Bush: Brown, and “Doing the word”: The enactment of political religion at Harpers Ferry, 1859. Pt. 4. Emerson's thought and the public sphere: David M. Robinson: Emerson's “American civilization”: Emancipation and the national destiny; Stephen L. Esquith: Power, poise, and place: Toward an Emersonian theory of democratic citizenship.
Thompson, Paul B.;
Hilde, Thomas C.;
Agrarian Roots of Pragmatism
Walls, Laura Dassow;
Of Atoms, Oaks, and Cannibals; or, More Things That Talk
Sivils, Matthew Wynn;
American Environmental Fiction, 1782-1847
Richard J. King;
Ahab's Rolling Sea: A Natural History of "Moby-Dick"
Wilson, Eric;
Romantic Turbulence: Chaos, Ecology, and American Space
Branch, Michael P.;
The enlightened naturalist: Ecological romanticism in American literature
Goudie, Andrea K.;
Precursors of humanistic, existential, and social cognitive approaches in American psychology: The contributions of Emerson and Thoreau
Neal, Valerie S.;
Transcendental optics: Science, vision, and imagination in the works of Emerson and Thoreau
Barron, Stephanie Kay;
Margaret Fuller, women's health, and the body politic
Reidar Maliks;
Kant's Politics in Context
Belmonte, Miguel Angel;
La receptión de la prudencia política aristotélica en la síntesis de Santo Tomás
Holland, Ben;
Pufendorf's Theory of Facultative Sovereignty: On the Configuration of the Soul of the State
Matustic, Martin Beck;
Jürgen Habermas: A Philosophical-Political Profile
Jeremy Zallen;
American Lucifers: The Dark History of Artificial Light, 1750–1865
Rood, Daniel Brett;
Plantation Technocrats: A Social History of Knowledge in the Slaveholding Atlantic World, 1830--1865
Bernard V Lightman;
Global Spencerism: The Communication and Appropriation of a British Evolutionist
O'Rourke, K. C.;
John Stuart Mill and Freedom of Expression: The Genesis of a Theory
Michelle L. McClellan;
Lady Lushes: Gender, Alcoholism, and Medicine in Modern America
Gondermann, Thomas;
Progression and Retrogression: Herbert Spencer's Explanations of Social Inequality
Drolet, Michael;
Tocqueville's Interest in the Social: Or How Statistics Informed His “New Science of Politics”
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