Centeno, Miguel Angel (Editor)
Lopez-Alves, Fernando (Editor)
Description Contents: Jeremy Adelman: Institutions, property, and economic development in Latin America; Paul Gootenberg: Hijos of Dr. Gerschenkron: “Latecomer” conceptions in Latin American economic history; Steven Topik: Karl Polanyi and the creation of the “market society”; Verónica Montecinos; John Markoff: From the power of economic ideas to the power of economists; Fernando López-Alves: The transatlantic bridge: Mirrors, Charles Tilly, and state formation in the river plate; Alan Knight: The modern Mexican state: Theory and practice; Jorge I. Domínguez: Samuel Huntingdon and the Latin American state; J. Samuel Valenzuela: Class relations and democratization: A reassessment of Barrington Moore's model; Miguel Angel Centeno: The disciplinary society in Latin America; Robert M. Levine: Michel de Certeau and Latin America; Claudio Lomnitz: Nationalism as a practical system: Benedict Anderson's theory of nationalism from the vantage point of Spanish America.
Subhadeep Chowdhury;
Medicine and Colonial Patent Law in India: A Study of Patent Medicines and the Indian Patents and Designs Act, 1911 in Early-Twentieth-Century India
Andrew R. Highsmith;
Demolition Means Progress: Flint, Michigan, and the Fate of the American Metropolis
Emma Griffin;
Bread Winner: An Intimate History of the Victorian Economy
Nygren, Joshua M.;
In Pursuit of Conservative Reform: Social Darwinism, the Agricultural Ladder, and the Lessons of European Tenancy
Michael Kent;
Vivette García-Deister;
Carlos López-Beltrán;
Ricardo Ventura Santos;
Ernesto Schwartz-Marín;
Peter Wade;
Building the Genomic Nation: ‘Homo Brasilis’ and the ‘Genoma Mexicano’ in Comparative Cultural Perspective
Cowie, Helen;
Peripheral Vision: Science and Creole Patriotism in Eighteenth-Century Spanish America
Peter Wade;
Carlos López-Beltrán;
Eduardo Restrepo;
Ricardo Ventura Santos;
Genomic Research, Publics and Experts in Latin America: Nation, Race and Body
Gootenberg, Paul;
A Forgotten Case of “Scientific Excellence on the Periphery”: The Nationalist Cocaine Science of Alfredo Bignon, 1884--1887
Jonathan P. Parry;
Classes of labour: work and life in a central Indian steel town
Lawrence, Jon;
Social-Science Encounters and the Negotiation of Difference in Early 1960s England
Pittenger, Mark;
Class Unknown: Undercover Investigations of American Work and Poverty from the Progressive Era to the Present
David Hitchcock;
Julia McClure;
The Routledge History of Poverty, c.1450-1800
Nunes, Everardo Duarte;
Hollingshead e Redlich: a pesquisa sobre classe social e doença mental cinquenta anos depois
Sweeney, Dennis;
“Modernity” and the Making of Social Order in Twentieth-Century Europe
Delle, James A.;
Mrozowski, Stephen A.;
Paynter, Robert;
Lines that Divide: Historical Archaeologies of Race, Class, and Gender
Enrico Bonatti;
Darwin and Inequality
Jackson, John P.;
Social Scientists for Social Justice: Making the Case against Segregation
Thibaud Boncourt;
Paulo Ravecca;
Power, politics, and the development of political science in the Americas
Bien, David D.;
Imagining the Huguenot Minority in Old Regime France
Klapisch-Zuber, Christine;
Nobles or Pariahs? The Exclusion of Florentine Magnates from the Thirteenth to the Fifteenth Centuries
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