Baird, Davis (Editor)
Hughes, R. I. G. (Editor)
Nordmann, Alfred (Editor)
Description Contents: Hoffmann, Dieter: Heinrich Hertz and the Berlin School of physics. Heidelberger, Michael: From Helmholtz's philosophy of science to Hertz's picture-theory. Schiemann, Gregor: The loss of world in the image: Origin and development of the concept of image in the thought of Hermann von Helmholtz and Heinrich Hertz. Bryant, John H.: Heinrich Hertz's experiments and experimental apparatus: His discovery of radio waves and his delineation of their properties. Hon, Giora: Hertz's study of propagation vs. Rutherford's study of structure: Two modes of experimentation and their theoretical underpinnings. Doncel, Manuel G.: On Hertz's conceptual conversion: From wire waves to air waves. D'Agostino, Salvo: Hertz's view on the methods of physics: Experiment and theory reconciled? Lützen, Jesper: Hertz and the geometrization of mechanics. Saunders, Simon: Hertz's principles. Nordmann, Alfred: “Everything could be different”: The Principles of mechanics and the limits of physics. Mulligan, Joseph F.: The reception of Heinrich Hertz's Principles of Mechanics by his contemporaries. Hentschel, Klaus: Heinrich Hertz's Mechanics: A model for Werner Heisenberg's April 1925 paper on the anomalous Zeeman effect. Majer, Ulrich: Heinrich Hertz's picture-conception of theories: Its elaboration by Hilbert, Weyl, and Ramsey. Grasshoff, Gerd: Hertz's philosophy of nature in Wittgenstein's Tractatus. Buchwald, Jed: Reflections on Hertz and the Hertzian dipole. Nordmann, Alfred: Heinrich Hertz: A bibliography.
Review Janik, A. (2000) Review of "Heinrich Hertz: Classical physicist, modern philosopher". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (p. 166).
Lutzen, Jesper;
Images and Conventions: Kantianism, Empiricism, and Conventionalism in Hertz's and Poincaré's Philosophies of Space and Mechanics
Alemañ Berenguer, Rafael Andres;
Geometría y física: de Hertz a Einstein
Joshua Eisenthal;
Hertz's Mechanics and a unitary notion of force
Coelho, Ricardo Lopes;
On Hertz’s Principles of Mechanics
Lützen, Jesper;
Mechanistic Images in Geometric Form: Heinrich Hertz's Principles of Mechanics
Hamilton, Kelly Ann;
Darstellungen in The Principles of Mechanics and the Tractatus: The Representation of Objects in Relation in Hertz and Wittgenstein
Dosch, Hans Günther;
The concept of sign and symbol in the work of Hermann Helmholtz and Heinrich Hertz
Hertz, Heinrich;
Die Prinzipien der Mechanik in neuem Zusammenhange dargestellt. Mit Drei Arbeiten von Heinrich Hertz, einem Vorwort von Hermann von Helmholtz, einer Vorbemerkung von Philipp Lenard. Eingeleitet und mit Anmerkungen versehen von Kuczera, Josef
Mulligan, Joseph F.;
The Aether and Heinrich Hertz's The Principles of Mechanics Presented in a New Form
Preston, John;
Mach and Hertz's Mechanics
Pippard, Brian;
Vignette. Elisabeth Hertz (née Doll), 1864--1941 Widow of Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, 1857--1894 Professor of Physics, University of Bonn
Buchwald, Jed Z.;
The Scholar's Seeing Eye
Essay Review
D'Agostino, Salvo;
Heinrich Hertz and electric waves: An essay review
Buchwald, Jed Z.;
The creation of scientific effects: Heinrich Hertz and electric waves
D'Agostino, Salvo;
On the difficulties of the transition from Maxwell's and Hertz's pure-field theories to Lorentz's electron
Gorokhov, V. G.;
The Emergence of Radiotechnical Theory: From Theory to Practice, Following the Discoveries by H. Hertz
D'Agostino, Salvo;
The Bild Conception of Physical Theory: Helmholtz, Hertz, and Schrödinger
Mulligan, Joseph F.;
Max Planck and the “black year” of German physics
Patton, Lydia;
Signs, Toy Models, and the a priori: From Helmholtz to Wittgenstein
D'Agostino, Salvo;
Hertz's researches on electromagnetic waves
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