Book ID: CBB000074629

Science and the quest for reality (1997)


Tauber, Alfred I. (Editor)

New York University Press

Publication Date: 1997
Physical Details: xix + 419 pp.; notes; index

Description Contents: Alfred North Whitehead: The origins of modern science. Martin Heidegger: The age of the world picture. P.C.W. Davies, Julien Brown: The strange world of the quantum. Werner Heisenberg: The development of philosophical ideas since Descartes in comparison with the new situation in quantum theory. Larry Laudan: Explaining the success of science: Beyond epistemic realism and relativism. Ian Hacking: Experimentation and scientific realism. Evelyn Fox Keller: The paradox of scientific subjectivity. Robert Richards: Theories of scientific change. Thomas Kuhn: The road since Structure. Michel Callon: Four models for the dynamics of science. Thomas F. Gieryn: Boundaries of science. Nicholas A. Ashford, Karin A. Gregory: Ethical problems in using science in the regulatory process. Robert S. Cohen: Ethics and science. Hilary Putnam: Beyond the fact/value dichotomy. Marjorie Grene: Darwin and philosophy. Max Weber: Science as a vocation.

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Authors & Contributors
Behrends, Elke
Brinkmann, Richard
Butt, Nasim
Cartwright, Nancy
Critchlow, Keith
Feingold, Mordechai
Clio: Interdisciplinary Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Mitteilungen, Gauss- Gesellschaft E.V. Göttingen
Nature and System
Cambridge University Press
Dick Coutinho
Grey Seal
Milkweed Editions
International relations
Philosophy of science
Explanation; hypotheses; theories
Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe
Descartes, René
Guimarães, Rodolfo Ferreira Dias
Pickering, Edward Charles
Gauss, Carl Friedrich
Time Periods
19th century
17th century
18th century
20th century
British Isles
Citizen Band Potawatomi Indian Tribe of Oklahoma

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