Tauber, Alfred I. (Editor)
Description Contents: Alfred North Whitehead: The origins of modern science. Martin Heidegger: The age of the world picture. P.C.W. Davies, Julien Brown: The strange world of the quantum. Werner Heisenberg: The development of philosophical ideas since Descartes in comparison with the new situation in quantum theory. Larry Laudan: Explaining the success of science: Beyond epistemic realism and relativism. Ian Hacking: Experimentation and scientific realism. Evelyn Fox Keller: The paradox of scientific subjectivity. Robert Richards: Theories of scientific change. Thomas Kuhn: The road since Structure. Michel Callon: Four models for the dynamics of science. Thomas F. Gieryn: Boundaries of science. Nicholas A. Ashford, Karin A. Gregory: Ethical problems in using science in the regulatory process. Robert S. Cohen: Ethics and science. Hilary Putnam: Beyond the fact/value dichotomy. Marjorie Grene: Darwin and philosophy. Max Weber: Science as a vocation.
Leibowitz, Flora;
Inference to the best explanation and Descartes' conception of matter
McMullin, Ernan;
Discussion review: Laudan's Progress and its problems
Michael Ruse;
A Philosopher Looks at Human Beings
Nancy Cartwright;
A Philosopher Looks at Science
Grmek, Mirko D.;
La méthodologie de Boscovich
Wesling, Donald;
Michel Serres, Bruno Latour, and the edges of historical periods
Needham, Joseph;
The evolution of oecumenical science: The rôles of Europe and China
Brinkmann, Richard;
Romantik in Deutschland: Ein interdisziplinäres Symposion. Sonderband der Deutschen Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte
Plotkin, Howard;
Edward C. Pickering and the endowment of scientific research in America, 1877-1918
Joja, Athanase;
La doctrine de l'universel chez Aristote
Reich, Karen;
Die Rezensionen von Gauss in den Göttingischen gelehrten Anzeigen
Behrends, Elke;
Die Auswirkungen des Boykotts der deutschen Wissenschaft nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg auf das Referatenwesen: Die Reichszentrale für naturwissenschaftliche Berichterstattung
Feingold, Mordechai;
Reversal of fortunes: The displacement of cultural hegemony from the Netherlands to England in the 17th and early 18th centuries
Wachelder, Joseph;
Wetenschappelijke vorming: Een omstreden kwestie. (Scientific education: A controversial issue)
Fournier, Marian;
Theunissen, Bert;
Het instrument in de wetenschap: Bijdragen tot de instrumentgerichte wetenschapsgeschiedenis
Butt, Nasim;
Science in Muslim societies
Snelders, H.A.M.;
De houding van Nederlandse Rooms-Katholieken tegenover de natuurwetenschappen in de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw. (The attitude of Dutch Roman Catholics towards the natural sciences in the second half of the 19th century)
Robin Wall Kimmerer;
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
Critchlow, Keith;
Time stands still: New light on megalith science
Glas, Eduard;
Wiskunde en samenleving in historisch perspectief
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