Description Contents: Hahn, Roger: The ideological and institutional difficulties of a Jesuit scientist in Paris. Kadić, Ante: A literary and spiritual profile of Boscovich. Graciotti, Sante: Le idee e l'arte del letterato Boscovich. D'Agostino, Salvo: Boscovich's physical theory of space and matter. Ivanović, Dragiša M.: On some aspects of Boscovich's curve. Martinović, Ivica: Boscovich on the problem of generatio velocitatis: Genesis and methodological implications. Baldini, Ugo: Boscovich e la tradizione gesuitica in filosofia naturale: Continuità e cambiamento. Tolomeo, Rita: Le carte Boscovich nell'Archivio Romano della Compagnia di Gesù. Finocchiaro, Maurice A.: Gravity and intelligibility in Boscovich's natural philosophy. Indorato, Luigi, Nastasi, Pietro: Boscovich and the vis viva controversy. Papineau, David: Boscovich and the Newtonian analysis of impact. Brigaglia, Aldo: A comparison of the relations between mathematics and physics in Boscovich and d'Alembert. Brittan, Gordon G.: The role of the law of continuity in Boscovich's theory of matter. Casini, Paolo: Boscovich and the hypothesis terrae motae. Casanovas, Juan: Boscovich's early astronomical studies at the Collegio Romano. Dadić, Zarko: On Boscovich's theoretical astronomy. Farebrother, Richard William: Boscovich's method for correcting discordant observations. Gower, Barry: Boscovich on probabilistic reasoning and the combination of observations. Kubbinga, Henk H.: La théorie de la matière de Boscovich: L'atomisme de points et le concept d'“individu substantiel”. Duncan, Alistair M.: Boscovich's solution to the problems of the chemists: The Newtonian tradition versus the autonomy of chemistry. Grmek, Mirko D.: L'explication des phénomènes vitaux dans l'oeuvre de Boscovich. Proverbio, Edoardo: Boscovich's project for verifying Newton's theory on the nature of light. Ziggelaar, August: Placing some of Boscovich's contributions to optics in the history of physics. Heilbron, John L.: Meridiane and meridians in early modern science. Homann, Fredrick A.: On Boscovich's De natura et usu infinitorum and other mathematical works: Translation and commentary. Dhombres, Jean: Boscovich aux prises avec le calcul différentiel: Art nouveau des inégalités et pratiques anciennes. Rider, Robin E.: In a foreign language: Boscovich and algebra. Stipanić, Ernest: Sur le continu linéaire de Boscovich. Pepe, Luigi: Boscovich and the mathematical historiography of his time: An unpublished letter by d'Alembert. Feingold, Mordechai: A Jesuit among Protestants: Boscovich in England c. 1745-1820. Harris, Steven J.: Boscovich, the “Boscovich circle” and the revival of the Jesuit science. Morelli, Carlo: Boscovich and earth sciences. Harman, Peter M.: Boscovich and British natural philosophy. James, Frank A.J.L.: Reality or rhetoric? Boscovichianism in Britain: The cases of Davy, Herschel and Faraday. Williams, L. Pearce: Boscovich, Mako, Davy and Faraday. Wilson, David B.: Boscovich and Kelvin.
Grmek, Mirko D.;
La méthodologie de Boscovich
Boris Kožnjak;
Who Let the Demon Out? Laplace and Boscovich on Determinism
Magda Stavinschi;
Boscovich on the Romanian Territories
Luca Guzzardi;
Sharing Discoveries. Boscovich's Network and the Discovery of Uranus
Proverbio, Edoardo;
La produzione di vetro ottico in Francia e le esperienze di Ruggiero Boscovich per la produzione di vetro al piombo – Parte prima
Elisa Patergnani;
Luigi Pepe;
Les mathématiciens français et italiens du «siècle long»: 1700-1814
Martinović, Ivica;
Završni sholij Newtonove metode prvih i posljednjih omjera i jedanaesti kanon Boškovićeve teorije geometrijskih transformacija. (The last scholium of Newton's method of prime and ultimate ratios and the eleventh canon of Bošković's theory of geometrical transformations)
The philosophy of science of Ruder Bošković: Proceedings of the symposium of the Institute of Philosophy and Theology, S. J.
Bossi, M.;
Tucci, Pasquale;
Bicentennial commemoration of R.G. Boscovich, Milano, September 15-18, 1987
Paolo Casini;
Scienza e illuminismo nel Settecento italiano: L'eredità di Galileo da Frisi a Volta
Fuertes, José Félix;
López García, José;
Roger Boscovich y su tiempo
Tomislav Petković;
R. J. Bošković as European Scientist and Theologian at Work on the Bridges between Science and Religion. Essay on Bošković's top concept and epistemological interpretation of God
Martinović, Ivica;
Ruder Bošković (1711-1787)
Pedersen, Kurt Møller;
Roger Joseph Boscovich and John Robison on terrestrial aberration
Martinović, Ivica;
Bilješke Boškovićevih predavanja iz astronomije akademske godine 1754/55. (Notes on Boscovich's lectures on practical astronomy in the academic year 1754/55.)
Šešic, Bogdan V.;
Pitanje shvatanja odnosa izmedu kontinuiteta i diskontinuiteta prostosa i vremena u prirodno-filozofskoj teoriji Rudera Boškovića. (On understanding the relations between continuity and discontinuity of space and time in the natural philosophy of Boscovich.)
Martinović, Ivica;
Ruder Josip Bošković: Philosophy and science
Farebrother, R.W.;
Studies in the history of probability and statistics, XLII: Further details of the contacts between Boscovich and Simpson in June 1760
Martinović, Ivica;
Boškovićev prijepor o jednostavnosti pravca iz god. 1747: Izrečeni i prešućeni argumenti. (Boscovich's 1747 controversy on the simplicity of the straight line: Uttered and omited arguments.)
Nada Savkovic;
Occasional Poetry by Roger Boscovich
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