Description “This article focuses on a neglected area--the economics of colonial medicine. It examines medical incomes and practice in the Cape of Good Hope colony before 1910 in relation to licensed practitioners in private practice.”
Terlouw, Thomas J.A.;
Niets dan een handlanger, in alles aan den geneesheer ondergeschikt: Wederwaardigheden van zich emanciperende heilgymnasten in Nederland eind negentiende eeuw. (A mere assistant, in every respect subordinate to the physician: Vicissitudes of emancipating “heilgymnasten” in the Netherlands in the late 19th century)
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Diploma Mill: The Rise and Fall of Dr. John Buchanan and the Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania
Lieffers, Caroline;
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Licensed to Practice: The Supreme Court Defines the American Medical Profession
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Chaudhry, Humayun J.;
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Warner, John Harley;
Science, healing, and the physician's identity: A problem of professional character in 19th-century America
Tannenbaum, Rebecca J.;
Earnestness, temperance, industry: The definition and uses of professional character among 19th-century American physicians
Waring, Joseph I.;
A community fee bill for physicians, 1844
Holifield, E. Brooks;
The wealth of 19th-century American physicians
Abigail Woods;
From One Medicine to Two: The Evolving Relationship between Human and Veterinary Medicine in England, 1791–1835
Loudon, I. S. L.;
A doctor's cash book: The economy of general practice in the 1830s
Olivier Faure;
Alain Corbin;
Sur les traces de Jean-Pierre Françon: Un aventurier de la médecine
Gafner, Lina;
Ärztliche Zeugnisse auf dem medizinischen Markt. Professionalisierte Zeugenschaft im wachsenden Verwaltungsapparat des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts
Bannert, Uwe;
Diskussionen um ärztliche Gebührenordnungen im 19. Jahrhundert: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des ärztlichen Honorars
Tétreault, Martin;
Les médecins d'une ville industrielle de la Nouvelle-Angleterre: Lowell, Massachusetts, 1866-1900
Faure, Olivier;
Physicians in Lyon during the 19th century: An extraordinary social success
Blumberg, Mark S.;
Medical society regulations of fees in Boston, 1780-1820
Carton, Benedict;
“We Are Made Quiet by This Annihilation”: Historicizing Concepts of Bodily Pollution and Dangerous Sexuality in South Africa
Deacon, Harriet;
Racism and Medical Science in South Africa's Cape Colony in the Mid- to Late Nineteenth Century
Digby, Anne;
Self-Medication and the Trade in Medicine within a Multi-Ethnic Context: A Case Study of South Africa from the Mid-Nineteenth to Mid-Twentieth Centuries
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