Ariew, Roger (Editor)
Grene, Marjorie Glicksman (Editor)
Description Contents: Marion, Jean-Luc: The place of the Objections in the development of Cartesian metaphysics. Verbeek, Theo: The First objections. Armogathe, Jean-Robert: Caterus' objections to God. Dear, Peter: Mersenne's suggestion: Cartesian meditation and the mathematical model of knowledge in the 17th century. Garber, Daniel: J.-B. Morin and the Second objections. Sorell, Tom: Hobbes's objections and Hobbes's system. Curley, Edwin: Hobbes versus Descartes. Carraud, Vincent: Arnauld: From Ockhamism to Cartesianism. Nadler, Steven: Occasionalism and the question of Arnauld's Cartesianism. Osler, Margaret J.: Divine will and mathematical truth: Gassendi and Descartes on the status of the eternal truths. Lennon, Thomas M.: Pandora; or, Essence and reference: Gassendi's nominalist objection and Descartes' realist reply. Menn, Stephen: The greatest stumbling block: Descartes' denial of real qualities. Ariew, Roger: Pierre Bourdin and the Seventh objections.
Review Felipe, D. (1997) Review of "Descartes and his contemporaries: Meditations, objections, and replies". Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology (pp. 210-11).
Review Buccolini, C. (1998(1)) Review of "Descartes and his contemporaries: Meditations, objections, and replies". Nouvelles de la République des Lettres (pp. 143-53).
Review Marvan, T. (1997) Review of "Descartes and his contemporaries: Meditations, objections, and replies". Acta Comeniana: Archiv pro Bádáni o Zivote díle Jana Amose Komenského (pp. 271-78).
Review Abbri, F. (1997) Review of "Descartes and his contemporaries: Meditations, objections, and replies". Renaissance Quarterly (pp. 911-13).
Review Hatfield, G. (1997) Review of "Descartes and his contemporaries: Meditations, objections, and replies". Journal of the History of Philosophy (pp. 624-26).
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