Description Special issue. Contents: Simili, R.: L'epistemologia di Cambridge. Casini, P.: Sulle fonti della philosophia naturalis. Babolin, A.: Il pensiero religioso di Isaac Newton. Mamiani, M.: La formazione del pensiero newtoniano. Mathieu, V.: Newton e l'ultimo Kant. Giusti, E.: Il calcolo infinitesimale tra Leibniz e Newton. Cattabriga, L.: Da Newton a Cauchy. Bottazzini, U.: I Principia di Newton e la Mécanique di Lagrange: Osservazioni su meccanica e calcolo. Focardi, S.: La gravitazione. Ferretti, B.: Le radici classiche della meccanica quantica. Capodaglio, G.: Echi del bimetallismo newtoniano nella dottrina monetaria. Campanacci Magnani, I.: Newton e Eustachio Manfredi. Cavazza, M.: Riflessi letterari dell'opera di Newton: Algarotti, Manfredi e Laura Bassi. Hall, A. Rupert: Newton e la Royal Society. Tega, W.: La filosofia naturale di Newton e l'attività dell'Istituto delle Scienze. Melandri, E.: La disputa sulla fondazione del calcolo: Recenti studi. Alai, M.: Contributi locali alla diffusione del newtonianismo in Italia.
James Poskett;
Horizons: The Global Origins of Modern Science
Copenhaver, Brian P.;
Jewish theologies of space in the scientific revolution: Henry More, Joseph Raphson, Isaac Newton, and their predecessors
Fauvel, John;
Flood, Raymond;
Shortland, Michael;
Wilson, Robin;
Let Newton be!
Mulsow, Martin;
Orientalistik im Kontext der sozinianischen und deistischen Debatten um 1700: Spencer, Crell, Locke und Newton
Chappell, Vere;
Seventeenth-century natural scientists. Edited with introductions by Chappell, Vere
Dobbs, B.J.T.;
Newton and Stoicism
Stayer, Marcia Sweet;
Newton's dream. Consulting editor: Boris Castel
Watanabe, Masao;
Newton's moment of time as revealed in his Principia and Optiks. (In Japanese.)
Beer, Peter;
Newton and the Enlightenment. Proceedings of an International Symposium, held at Cagliari, Italy, on 3-5 October 1977
Force, James E.;
Popkin, Richard H.;
Newton and religion: Context, nature, and influence
Force, James E.;
“Children of the Resurrection” and “Children of the dust”: Confronting mortality and immortality with Newton and Hume
Kronemeyer, Ronald J.;
Matter and meaning: Dualism in the thought of Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton, and John Ray
Tweney, Ryan D.;
Isaac Newton's two uses of hypothetical reasoning: Dual influences on the history of psychology
Raftopoulos, Athanasse;
Cartesian deductivism and Newtonian inductivism: A comparative study
Newton and the new direction in science: Proceedings of the Cracow Conference, 25 to 28 May 1987
Freudenthal, Gideon;
Atom and individual in the age of Newton: On the genesis of the mechanistic world view
Baroncini, Gabriele;
Forme di esperienza e rivoluzione scientifica
Scheurer, P.B.;
Debrock, G.;
Newton's scientific and philosophical legacy
Theerman, Paul;
National images of science: British and American views of scientific heroes in the early 19th century
Markley, Robert;
Isaac Newton's theological writings: Problems and prospects
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